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0 Comment on Harumafuji vs Kakuryu – All Yokozuna Bouts
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Harumafuji vs Kakuryu – All Yokozuna Bouts

70th Yokozuna Harumafuji Kohei vs 71st Yokozuna Kakuryu Rikisaburo

#harumafuji #kakuryu

0 Comment on The Issues with Thailand’s Legal Cannabis
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The Issues with Thailand’s Legal Cannabis

In February 2019, Thailand became one of the first countries in Asia to legalize medical cannabis to treat epilepsy, nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy, multiple sclerosis and neuropathic pain.

‘Ganja’ or weed clinics at public hospitals give consultations to patients and prescribe either cannabis oil or Thai traditional medicine incorporating cannabis free of charge for patients.

But some patients in need of cannabis medication still turn away from this legal channel, and go underground for stronger doses to treat their condition.

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0 Comment on I Live In A Barbie Dreamhouse | Irreplaceable: Celebrating Different | Refinery29
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I Live In A Barbie Dreamhouse | Irreplaceable: Celebrating Different | Refinery29

In today’s episode, we meet Azusa, a woman who lives in her very own Barbie dream house. She lives everyday like Barbie. Watch this video to hear her story.

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0 Comment on Mortician Breaks Down 9 Corpse Scenes In Movies and TV | How Real Is It?
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Mortician Breaks Down 9 Corpse Scenes In Movies and TV | How Real Is It?

Mortician Evie Vargas looks at 10 dead-body scenes from popular TV shows and movies and rates them based on realism. 

She looks at “Six Feet Under” (2001–2005), “American Horror Story: Coven” S3E2 (2014), “Weekend at Bernie’s” (1989), “The Crown” S1E2 (2016), “The Dead Don’t Die” (2019), “The Haunting of Hill House” E6 (2018), “The Sopranos” S1E8 (1999), “After.Life” (2009) and “Swiss Army Man” (2016).

Do bodies really get painted with regular makeup before funerals? How long can a body be left before it needs to be buried? Can any members of the public access funeral homes? Does anyone who has been declared dead come back to life? Are plus-sized coffins a thing?

Find out more about Vargas:

Former Mafia Member Rates 10 Mafia Scenes In Movies And TV | How Real Is It?
Master Pickpocket Breaks Down 12 Pickpocketing Tricks In Movies | How Real Is It?
Naval Warfare Expert Rates 9 Sea Battle Tactics in Movies and TV | How Real Is It?


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Mortician Breaks Down 9 Corpse Scenes In Movies and TV | How Real Is It?

0 Comment on Harumafuji – September 2012 – All Bouts Compilation
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Harumafuji – September 2012 – All Bouts Compilation

In September 2012, Harumafuji Kohei’s recorded his second Zensho Yusho which led to his promotion to the highest rank in Sumo Wrestling, Yokozuna.


0 Comment on Hamarikyu Gardens – Tokyo – 浜離宮恩賜庭園 – 8K
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Hamarikyu Gardens – Tokyo – 浜離宮恩賜庭園 – 8K

Hamarikyu Gardens, (also spelled Hama-rikyū Gardens) is a quiet public park located in Chuo ward in the heart of Tokyo. The park is close to the former Tsukiji fish market.

Surrounded by seawater, this 250,000 square meter park was opened to the public in April 1946. The land was the site of a villa belonging to the ruling Tokugawa family in the 17th century.
Prior to becoming a public park, Hamarikyu Gardens had many lives. Aside from being a Shogun villa, it also hosted a unique guest in 1729, in the form of an Elephant. A present from the Annam protectorate (now Vietnam), the elephant lived in the garden grounds for around 12 years. Later the site turned into a training ground for the Tokugawa Navy. In 1867, the shogunate turned the garden back into a villa to host foreign diplomats visiting Edo.

#8K #Japan #Tokyo

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0 Comment on How I Went From Poaching Elephants and Rhinos to Protecting Them | Bad Blood
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How I Went From Poaching Elephants and Rhinos to Protecting Them | Bad Blood

Buddhiswar Boro was in his early teens when he started poaching elephants and rhinoceros to sell their trunks and horns to make a living. Back in the 80s he joined a political revolution, got a gun, and started smuggling countless tusks and horns from India to Bhutan.

An extremely volatile childhood during the peak of the Bodo Liberation Movement and the ensuing violence, lawlessness and unemployment are the circumstances under which Boro became a part of the nefarious wildlife animal trade. He gave up arms in 2003 after the creation of the Bodoland Territorial Council – an autonomous region within India. This also marked the end of almost two decades of insurgency and violence in north-west Assam.

Boro and many others like him were counselled to use their intimate knowledge of the jungles in Assam and their wildlife to help conserve and protect them. Since Boro lost one of his arms during a hunt many years ago, he works as a patrolman and a guide inside Manas National Park.

He tells VICE WORLD NEWS why he’s left that life behind to become a protector of wildlife in the very forests where he used to hunt for decades.

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0 Comment on Sex Workers Expose the Harsh Realities of Singapore’s Sex Trade | Politics of Sex
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Sex Workers Expose the Harsh Realities of Singapore’s Sex Trade | Politics of Sex

The sex industry in Singapore exists in a legal grey area. While legal brothels in red light districts are permitted to operate, many other aspects of the industry – such as street and online soliciting and pimping are illegal.

Even though these enforced regulations are said to help regulate and to deter vices in the country, being in this line of work leaves many sex workers vulnerable to abuse, violence, rape and harrasement.

VICE World News speaks with “Rebecca”, a Singaporean high-end social escort, and Miarita to find out what more can be done to protect those working in the sex industry.

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0 Comment on How Limiting Social Media Helps Me Spark Joy | Get Real: Hidden Emotions in Asia
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How Limiting Social Media Helps Me Spark Joy | Get Real: Hidden Emotions in Asia

In Asia, most youth grow up believing their feelings are secondary. Things like career, wealth, and familial obligation often take precedence over passion. It’s no surprise that many young Asians repress their emotions—leaving things unsaid, passions abandoned, and creativity stifled.

For Indonesia-based pop singer, musician, and songwriter Isyana Sarasvati, music is her ultimate form of expression. Growing up in Belgium and going back to Indonesia for elementary school made it difficult for Sarasvati to converse with others.

“I feel like I can’t really be open on [social media] platforms other than [for] music.” Isyana explained how setting boundaries on how she utilizes social media—though it decreases the interaction between her and her fans—proves to be a wiser decision for her wellbeing.

This video is a paid content made possible in partnership with Oppo.

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0 Comment on The Dark Reality Of Professional Fortnite Gaming | Refinery29
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The Dark Reality Of Professional Fortnite Gaming | Refinery29

In the world of eSports, women gamers are still very much in the minority. VICE follows various women in eSports in their competitive gaming journey from the amateur to the professional level.

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