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Tokyo Let’s ride Tokyo Subway – Tokyu Toyoko Line – 東急東横線 – Tokyo- 4K Ultra HD
I left by mistake my camera running while riding on the Tokyu Toyoko Line back home, and here you are the result! Enjoy…
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Kappabashi-Dori – Tokyo – かっぱ橋道具街 – 4K Ultra HD
Have you ever wonder where most Japanese restaurants in Tokyo are purchasing those mouth-watering, but fake, sushi and ramen? Well stop wondering since they must have been probably been purchased in one of the many specialized stores in Kappabashi-Dori!
Located between Ueno and Asakusa, Kappabashi-Dori is almost entirely populated with shops specialized in supplying goods and other kitchenwares to Tokyo, and indeed Japan’s, restaurants and cafes.
These stores sells pretty much everything form the fake plastic display food to knives and even ovens and furniture.
To be fair, Kappabashi is not the most exciting tourist destination you may find in Tokyo. Nevertheless it is a place worth checking if you have an hour or two to spare, especially if you’ve ever dreamed of having your very own fake food sample.
Finally while it is still unclear from where this street gets its name, it’s similarity with the Japanese mythical creature “Kappa” or River child (河童) has made it the favorite choice of the shop owners for many years, and a few years back it became the official mascot of the area.
Français 🇫🇷
Lorsque vous vous promenez dans les rues japonaises pour la toute première fois, quelque chose de jamais vu ailleurs vous surprendra dans les minutes qui viennent : les vitrines de restaurants. Des faux plats plus que réalistes sont présentés en vitrine ou à l’entrée des restaurants pour accompagner le menu et ainsi se faire une idée directe du contenu de l’assiette (et surtout de la contenance, pour les gourmands comme nous ! ).
Ici, à Kappabashi-Dori, un bon nombre de magasins sont spécialisés dans la vente de ces faux ramens et faux sushis qui savent si bien nous faire saliver. Nous y trouverons également des couteaux et autres ustensiles de cuisine.
Franchement, Kappabashi n’est pas la destination la plus crépitante à Tokyo. Néanmoins, ce quartier vaut le détour si vous avez une heure ou deux à dépenser, et si vous tenez absolument à rentrer avec votre propre exemplaire de nourriture en plastique.
De nos jours, l’origine exacte du nom emprunté pour ce quartier reste un peu trouble, mais l’hypothèse de la forte similitude avec la créature japonaise mythique Kappa (ou River Child 河童) fut retenue pendant plusieurs années. Cette créature est d’ailleurs devenue la mascotte officielle de ces lieux très récemment.
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Gotokuji Temple / Maneki Neko – Tokyo – 豪徳寺 – 4K Ultra HD
Hello Kitty may not actually be the most famous Japanese cat after all! It all started in 1697 according to the legend! At that time, before the Gotokuji Temple was what it is now, a poor and lonely priest was living alone with his cat. One day, during a heavy storm a rich nobleman was stranded in a heavy rainstorm and took refuge under a nearby tree. Once settled the nobleman saw the priest’s cat at the Temple’s entrance signaling him to enter. Surprised, the nobleman followed the cat and as soon as he moved toward the cat the tree was struck by lightning. Believing that the cat had saved his life the nobleman decided to become the temple’s benefactor and soon the temple became prosperous.
As you must have guessed by now, the Maneki Neko are charms for good luck and prosperity not only in Japan but all across Asia and especially in China.
Just for this story alone, Gotokuji Temple is a “must see” when visiting Tokyo. Smaller than most famous temples around Tokyo, Gotokuji is unique for its design. It’s three-storied pagoda and Kyoto-like atmosphere give even more weight to this beautiful story of the Priest’s cat and the nobleman.
Français 🇫🇷
Confidence pour confidence, Hello Kitty n’est probablement pas le chat japonais le plus célèbre ! Il était une fois, en 1697 d’après la légende, juste avant que le temple Gotokuji ne devienne tel que nous le connaissons de nos jours, un pauvre prêtre vivait seul avec son chat. Un jour de tempête, un riche noble fut surpris par une pluie intense et trouva refuge sous le premier arbre qu’il vit. Aussitôt abrité, le noble vit le chat du prêtre au pas de la porte du temple, l’invitant à entrer. Surpris, le noble suivit le chat et dès qu’il l’eut rejoint, l’arbre fut frappé par un éclair. Convaincu qu’il devait sa vie sauve au chat, le noble décida alors de devenir le bienfaiteur du temple, et peu de temps après, le temple connaissait la prospérité.
Vous l’aurez compris, les Maneki Neko sont le symbole de la chance et de la prospérité non seulement au Japon, mais dans toute l’Asie, surtout en Chine.
Et c’est pour cette petite histoire seulement que le temple Gotokuji est un endroit à visiter absolument quand vous êtes à Tokyo. Certes plus petit que les autres temples de la ville, Gotokuji est unique pour son architecture. Sa pagode racontant trois histoires, et son ambiance semblable à Kyoto donnent davantage de poids à cette belle légende du chat et du noble.
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Hamarikyu Gardens – Tokyo – 浜離宮恩賜庭園 – 4K Ultra HD
Note: Extended version of the previously uploaded video of the Hamarikyu Gardens (
Another oasis in this busy city is how you could describe Hamarikyu and its beautiful gardens. Located a few meters away from the busy Shiodome business area, surrounded by buildings and nearby the mouth of the Sumida River, this garden is a typical Daimyo garden from the Edo period.
Opened to the public in April 1946 this 250,165m2 landscaped garden features many ponds including a tidal pond where fresh seawater enters from the nearby river, giving a unique touch to this hidden paradise.
Unfortunately, it’s not free, and you will need to pay 300 Yen to enter this park. Once you are in, the Hamarikyu Gardens feature three main attractions with a gorgeous tea house, the Nakajima No Ochaya, a large picnic area and a stunning flower field that attract thousands of people yearly to enjoy a rare view within the busy streets of Tokyo.
Finally, if you are fortunate enough, we strongly advise you to stay at the Conrad Hotel and ask for a room with a view overlooking this garden to make your stay in Japan really unique!
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Omotesando Avenue – Tokyo – 表参道 – 4K Ultra HD
Known by many as the Japanese version of the Champs-Élysées, Omotesando Avenue was in fact originally created in the Taisho Era (1912 – 1926) as the formal pathway to the Emperor Meiji and his wife Empress Shoken temple also known as the Meiji Shrine.
Today things are really different and as stated earlier, Omotesando Avenue has been transformed into a more of a sophisticated shopping area than a religious one.
Brands like Chanel, Loewe, Louis Vuitton, Tod’s, Dior, Prada and even Apple are now the rulers in this avenue of luxury.
Is this avenue worth checking out? Well yes, while you may found most of these brands in many other cities around the world, Omotesando and its Zelkova tree-lined avenue make for a nice pleasant walk before reaching the Meiji Shrine and the wacky Harajuku area.
Finally, if you have been vastly disappointed by Asakusa cheap souvenir shops we strongly advise you to visit the Oriental Bazar located on the avenue. Oriental Bazaar offers premium goods and souvenirs from Japan without breaking the bank! Looking for something weirder? Go and check the new Kiddy Land store ( Created in 1950 Kiddy Land is one of most famous toy establishments in Japan where you will find some of the coolest things that are only sold in Japan!
Français 🇫🇷
Considerée par tous comme les Champs-Elysee japonais, l’avenue Omotesando a en fait été créée durant l’ère Taisho (1912 – 1926) pour assurer une voie directe au temple de l’empereur Meiji et de sa femme l’impératrice Shoken, surtout connu sous le nom de temple Meiji.
De nos jours, les choses ont pris une toute autre tournure. En effet, l’aspect purement religieux pour lequel l’avenue Omotesandro a vu le jour a laissé sa place aàune zone commerciale moderne.
Des marques comme Chanel, Loewe, Louis Vuitton, Tod’s, Dior, Prada, ou même Apple sont desormais les “empereurs” de cette avenue de luxe.
Est-ce que cette avenue vaut cependant le détour ? Absolument. Bien que vous pourriez aisément trouver toutes ses marques dans d’autres villes du monde, l’avenue Omotesandro ainsi que l’avenue Zelkova délimitée par ses arbres offrent une belle promenade avant d’atteindre ce fameux temple Meiji et le quartier farfelu d’Harajuku.
Et pour finir, si vous avez été deçu par les magasins de souvenir à petits prix d’Asakusa, nous vous recommandons fortement de faire un tour au bazar oriental situé sur l’avenue. Le bazar propose des produits de premier choix sans pour autant exploser votre budget ! Si vous recherchez des objets plus insolites, visitez donc le tout nouveau magasin Kiddy Land. Créé en 1950, Kiddy Land est specialisé dans la vente de jouets que vous ne trouverez exclusivement qu’au Japon.
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The Rules of Cricket – EXPLAINED!
Ninh explains the Rules of Cricket. A beginner’s explanation of the laws of Cricket. Watch this short tutorial video guide on how Cricket is played.
Learn about batsmen, bowlers, fielders, bowl outs, caught outs, stumped, run out and more.
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Video: Copyright IPL – Indian Premier League (I do not own any video footage).
Music: ‘Eddy Gordo’ by Namco
Narrated, Directed and Produced by Ninh Ly
Copyright Ninh Ly 2014 –
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Tokyo International Forum – 東京国際フォーラム – 4K Ultra HD
Located a few steps from Tokyo central station and just in front of Yūrakuchō Station, the Tokyo International Forum is one of Tokyo’s best known architectural marvels. Designed by Rafael Viñoly ( and completed in 1996, the Tokyo International Forum is in fact two huge complexes separated by a courtyard where pedestrians and businessmen alike can come for a rest.
To be fair, the Tokyo International Forum is a tourist location that we can only recommend to people interested in architecture. This place is a business-oriented forum only and there is pretty much nothing to do there most of the week with the exception however of the Odeo Antique Market held on the first and third Sundays of the month from 9am to 4pm.
Still, interested in architecture or not, the beauty of the eastern wing shaped like a gigantic glass ship is something to see and experience once in your life!
Français 🇫🇷
Situé à quelques pas de la gare centrale de Tokyo, et juste en face de la station Yūrakuchō, Le forum international de Tokyo est une des plus belles merveilles architecturales de la ville. Imaginée par Rafael Viñoly ( , cette oeuvre vit le jour en 1996. Le forum est composé de deux complexes immenses séparés par une cour où les piétons et les hommes d’affaires aiment se détendre.
Pour être honnête, le forum international de Tokyo propose une activité touristique que nous recommanderons exclusivement aux amateurs d’architecture. Il y règne une ambiance plutôt “business” et il n’y a, en general, pas grand chose à y faire en semaine.
Deux dates à retenir cependant pour assister au marché antiques de Oedo : les premiers et troisièmes dimanches de chaque mois, de 9h à 16h.
Quoiqu’il en soit, ce véritable monument aux allures de navire de verre reste une oeuvre à voir à tout prix !
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The Rules of Basketball – EXPLAINED!
Ninh explains the Rules of NBA NCAA Basketball. A beginner’s explanation of the laws of Basketball. Watch this short tutorial video guide on how to play Basketball.
Learn about fouls, shots, free throws, violations, fouls, double dribble, travelling and more.
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Video: Copyright USA Basketball, IOC, OSHAA, BYU (I do not own any video footage).
Music: ‘Forest Law’ by Namco
Narrated, Directed and Produced by Ninh Ly
Copyright Ninh Ly 2014 –
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Odaiba – Tokyo – お台場 – 4K Ultra HD
Also known as the official beach of Tokyo, Odaiba’s construction was initially started to protect Tokyo with a series of six fortresses islands build in the 1850s.
Today you can only access the No. 3 Battery Fortress or Dai-San Daiba (第三台場) which has been open to the public since 1928. Usually empty, this reconverted battery is an amazingly peaceful park with a stunning view of both Odaiba beach and Rainbow Bridge!
Talking about the Rainbow Bridge, did you know that its real name was originally the “Shuto Expressway No. 11 Daiba Route – Port of Tokyo Connector Bridge”? The name Rainbow Bridge was later decided by the public after its construction, which ended in 1993.
But Odaiba is much more than this beautiful bridge, Odaiba in its actual form has been shaped since the 1990s with the construction of some major commercial outlets, residential and leisure areas. These include the famous Fuji Television Building, the Miraikan (the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation), Tokyo Big Sight (or Tokyo International Exhibition Center), Aqua City, The Panasonic Center, the Museum of Maritime Science, the MegaWeb or the world’s largest showroom where you can actually test all the Toyota cars available in Japan. There is also a replica of the Statue of Liberty, the Sega Joypolis (an arcade wonderland), a life-size Gundam statue and finally a stunning onsen, the Oedo Onsen Monogatari Hot Springs. This is an Edo Period-like outdoor and indoor onsen park that everybody must visit once in their life, whether you are a visitor to Tokyo or a resident!
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Yurikamome Hyperlapse – Tokyo – ゆりかもめ – 4K Ultra HD
Another Tokyo “gem”, the Yurikamome is just your average commuter train, but it does offer a fantastic view of some of Tokyo’s most beautiful sights including Tokyo Bay, Rainbow Bridge, Tokyo Tower, Fuji TV all while taking you to your final destination: Odaiba.
What I personally like about the Yurikamome is that you are gliding above the ground and between buildings on a winding track giving you the feeling to be aboard some kind of hover car.
Now, unfortunately, I have to admit that the quality of YouTube compression is not up to the challenge when we decided to create this Hyperlapse for you. And since we want you to enjoy the best quality possible, please find below a link to download the original 4K Video that we made prior to uploading here…. Enjoy!
Français 🇫🇷
Une autre perle de Tokyo, le Yurikamome est un petit train ordinaire, sans chauffeur, qui vous offrira une vue époustouflante de Tokyo de jour comme de nuit. Reliant le sud de Tokyo à l’île d’Odaiba, cette ligne vous présentera la baie de Tokyo, le Rainbow Bridge, Tokyo Tower, et le bâtiment de Fuji TV.
Ce que j’aime personnellement dans l’expérience Yurikamome est cette sensation, due au fait qu’on ne voit pas le bord de la ligne, de planer au dessus du sol et de serpenter entre les buildings.
Malheureusement, nous devons admettre que la qualité de compression Youtube n’est pas à la hauteur de ce à quoi nous nous attendions lorsque nous envisagions de créer cet Hyperlapse pour vous. Parce que notre passion nous motive à vous offrir la meilleure qualité possible, nous vous invitons à télécharger le fichier vidéo 4K via le lien ci-dessous… Régalez vous !
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