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0 Comment on Shinjuku Gyoen – Tokyo – 新宿御苑 – 4K Ultra HD
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Shinjuku Gyoen – Tokyo – 新宿御苑 – 4K Ultra HD

Credited as one of the most beautiful parks in Tokyo, Shinjuku Gyoen is definitely another place to enjoy when visiting Tokyo. The garden was completed in 1772 and was the original residence of the Naitō family during the Edo era.

It became a botanical garden in 1906 until it went through a complete reconstruction in 1949. Unfortunately you must pay a small entry fee to access Shinjuku Gyoen but it features many interesting activities. These include a French formal garden, an English landscaped garden with a stunning view of Shinjuku and Tokyo Tower, a greenhouse, a tea house, and a traditional Japanese garden. Last but not least, the park is home to and four magnificent ponds : Shimo no Ike, Naka no ike, Kami no ike and Haha to ko no mori.

Shinjuku Gyoen is just a gorgeous park and you will need several hours to fully enjoy it alone or with your loved ones!

Français 🇫🇷
Reconnu comme l’un des plus beaux parcs de Tokyo, Shinjuku Gyoen est un endroit très plaisant à visiter. Le jardin fut ouvert au public en 1772 et était la résidence principale de la famille Naito durant l’ère Edo.

Il fut transformé en jardin botanique en 1906 jusqu’en 1949 où il fut complètement reconstruit. L’entrée est payante, mais vous donnera accès à une palette d’attractions interéssantes dont un jardin à la française, un autre jardin fidèle aux paysages anglais et qui offre une magnifique vue sur Shinjuku et la tour de Tokyo, une serre, un salon de thé, et un jardin traditionnel japonais.
Et pour finir en beauté, le parc comprend quatre magnifiques étangs : Shimo ni ike, Naka no ike, Kami no ike, et Haha to ko mori.

Bref, Shinjuku Gyoen est un lieu à ne pas manquer, qui vous occupera pendant plusieurs heures, que vous soyiez seul ou avec vos proches !

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0 Comment on The Rules of Football (Soccer or Association Football) – EXPLAINED!
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The Rules of Football (Soccer or Association Football) – EXPLAINED!

Ninh explains the Rules of Football (Soccer). A beginner’s explanation of the laws of Soccer. Watch this short tutorial video guide on how Association Football is played.
Learn about fouls, offside rule, throw ins, corner kicks, penalty kicks, free kicks, goals and more.

Also discuss on Reddit!

Video: Copyright IOC (I do not own any video footage).
Music: ‘Cut & run’ by Kavin MacLeod
Narrated, Directed and Produced by Ninh Ly

Copyright Ninh Ly 2014 –
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0 Comment on Tokyo Relaxing video of a traditional Japanese Garden in Shibuya – 4K Ultra HD
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Tokyo Relaxing video of a traditional Japanese Garden in Shibuya – 4K Ultra HD

Tokyo Relaxing video of a traditional Japanese Garden in Shibuya : Taken in the heart of Tokyo (Shibuya) at the Nezu Museum, this one and half minutes long 4K video of smoothing watery sound from a Japanese traditional Tsukubai* is perfect for a quick stress relieves at the office or on the go!

*Tsukudai are used at Japanese Buddhist temple for visitors to purify themselves prior to attend a tea ceremony.

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0 Comment on Ueno Park Part 2 – Tokyo – 上野公園 パート2 – 4K Ultra HD
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Ueno Park Part 2 – Tokyo – 上野公園 パート2 – 4K Ultra HD

Part 1 of this video is available here:

Here is the second part of our trip to Ueno Park! Today we will visit three new locations:

-Toshogu Shrine (Part 2)
-Ueno Park Pagoda (Part 2)
-Bentendo Hall Temple and the Shinobazu Pond (Part 2)

Click here If you missed the first part of this video where we covered these sites:

-Kiyomizu Kannon Temple (Part 1)
-Hanazono inari Temple (Part 1)
-Gojoten Temple (Part 1)

Toshogu Shrine:
Believe it or not, the Toshogu Shrine is one of only a few Edo-Era structures in Tokyo to have survived earthquakes, fires, and even wars. Built in 1627, the Toshogu Shrine underwent a major renovation in 1651 on the orders of the Shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu. What’s unique about this shrine, besides being similar in style to the Shrine of Nikko (also called Toshogu) with its gold-plated decorations, are the 50 large copper lanterns that guide you through the shrine itself. Usually made from stone, these lanterns were donated to the Shogun by a warlord named Daimyo.

Ueno Park Pagoda:
Perhaps one of the best parts of the Kaneiji Temple (not covered on these 2 videos), is its pagoda. Separated from its main temple, this 5 storied pagoda can unfortunately only be enjoyed from the Ueno Zoo, and only after spending a few hundred yen. However, the pagoda is not the only beautiful structure to see and enjoy. There are also architectural masterpieces that have for centuries defied the force of Japan’s earthquakes (

Bentendo Hall Temple and the Shinobazu Pond:
Build in the early 17th century by Mizunoya Katsutakathe, the Bentendo Hall Temple is a Benzaiten-type temple located in the middle of the Shinobazu Pond. Unfortunately, the actual Bentendo Hall Temple you can see today is not the original and was in fact rebuilt from the ground up in 1958 after being destroyed in 1945. To be fair this temple is not the most interesting part of Uneo Park, however, its pond and the giant lotuses are magnificent and can be fully enjoyed in the summer where they cover the entire surface of the pond.

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0 Comment on Tokyo Relaxing video of a Tsukubai in a traditional Japanese Garden – つくばい – 4K Ultra HD
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Tokyo Relaxing video of a Tsukubai in a traditional Japanese Garden – つくばい – 4K Ultra HD

Tokyo Relaxing video of a Tsukubai in a traditional Japanese Garden – つくばい : Taken in the heart of Tokyo (Shibuya) at the Nezu Museum, this two minutes long 4K video of smoothing watery sound from a Japanese traditional Tsukubai* is perfect for a quick stress relieve at the office or on the go!

*Tsukudai are used at Japanese Buddhist temple for visitors to purify themselves prior to attend a tea ceremony.

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0 Comment on UK Laws on Self Defence (Self Defense) – EXPLAINED!
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UK Laws on Self Defence (Self Defense) – EXPLAINED!

Ninh explains the UK Laws on Self Defence (Self Defense).
Ninh Ly explains the oppressive, ridiculous and confusing laws that the United Kingdom has regarding Self Defence (Self Defense) and describes when you can or can’t use self defence to avoid prosecution.
Learn about imminent danger, reasonable force, avoiding prosecution and more.

Also discuss on Reddit!

Music: Scheming Weasel’ by Kevin MacLeod
Narrated, Directed and Produced by Ninh Ly

Copyright Ninh Ly 2014 –
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0 Comment on Ueno Park Part 1 – Tokyo – 上野公園 パート1 – 4K Ultra HD
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Ueno Park Part 1 – Tokyo – 上野公園 パート1 – 4K Ultra HD

Part 2 of this video is available here :

Massive…this is how we could best describe the sheer size (534,000m2) and the many attractions to be found in this park. Established in 1873, Ueno Park is among Japan’s first public parks and home of some major museums like the Tokyo National Museum, National Science Museum, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, National Museum of Western Art, Shitamachi Museum, several temples and even a zoo!

It would be impossible to cover all aspects of this park in a single day, so we decided to divide our attention on the cultural aspects of this park and its temples with the following:
– Kiyomizu Kannon Temple (Part 1)
– Hanazono inari Temple (Part 1)
– Gojoten Temple (Part 1)
– Toshogu Shrine (Part 2)
– Ueno Park Pagoda (Part 2)
– Bentendo Temple and the Shinobazu Pond (Part 2)

While these temples and places are on the Ueno Park “Must See” list, we would also recommend visiting:
– Kaneiji Temple
– Ueno Daibutsu

Kiyomizu Kannon Temple:
Originally built in 1631 and part of the Kaneji temple, the Kiyomizu Kannon Temple get it’s design and architecture from the famous Kiyomizu-dera temple in Kyoto and is also home to an image of Kosodate Kannon (Goddess of child-rearing) and a figure of Senju Kannon (Thousand Armed Goddess of Mercy).

Gojoten and Hanazono inari Temple:
A few meters away from the Kiyomizu Kannon you will find both the Gojoten and Hanazono inari Temples, the Fox Temple. Both temples are actually close to each other and can be mistaken for the one and only place of worship.

The Gotojen temple is dedicated to the Scholar and poet Sugawara no Michizane (August 1, 845 – March 26, 903) and located close to the Shinobazu Pond, while the Hanazono inari Temple is dedicated to the Inari Okami, or spirit of the foxes, and can be accessed by a gorgeous series of Japanese Torii.

Français 🇫🇷
“Imposant”… est le meilleur descriptif que nous ayons trouvé pour cet espace de 534 000m2 et des multiples attractions que propose ce parc. Construit en 1873, le parc Ueno abrite le plus célèbre jardin public du Japon, et quelques-uns de ses musées principaux comme le Tokyo National Museum, le National Science Museum, le Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, le National Museum of Western Art, et le Shitamachi Museum. Nous y trouverons aussi une multitude de temples, et un zoo.

Une seule journée est loin d’être suffisante pour notre reportage. C’est pourquoi nous vous proposons une visite des aspects culturels de ce parc et de ses temples en deux parties.

En première partie :
– Le temple Kiyomizu Kannon
– Le temple Hanazono Inari
– Le temple Gojoten

Rendez-vous ensuite dans notre deuxième video pour la seconde partie :
– Le sanctuairel Toshogu
– La pagode du parc Ueno
– Le temple Bentendo et l’étang Shinobazu

Veuillez aussi ajouter dans votre carnet de voyage le temple Kaneji et le Ueno Daibutsu car ils portent la mention “à voir absolument !!!”.

Le temple Kiyomizu Kannon : A quelques mètres du Kiyomizu Kannon, vous trouverez les temples Gojoten et Hanazono inari, ainsi que le “temple du renard”. Attention car tous les temples sont à proximités les uns des autres et peuvent ainsi etre confondus.

Le temple Gotojen est dedié a l’érudit et poête Sugawara no Michizane (1er Aout 845 – 26 Mars 903) et est situé près de l’étang Shinobazu, tandis que le temple Hanazono inari se réfère à l’Inari Okami (ou l’esprit des renards), et dont l’accès vous fera traverser une magnifique série de Torii.

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0 Comment on Tokyo The Beautiful – 4K Ultra HD
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Tokyo The Beautiful – 4K Ultra HD

Tokyo The Beautiful – 4K Ultra HD

This is my entry for the Sony Professional competition to win an FS7 camera. Find out more for yourself at this page:

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0 Comment on The Rules of Indoor Lacrosse / Box Lacrosse – EXPLAINED!
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The Rules of Indoor Lacrosse / Box Lacrosse – EXPLAINED!

Ninh explains the Rules of Indoor Lacrosse or Box Lacrosse.
A beginner’s explanation of the laws of NLL Indoor Lacrosse. Watch this short tutorial video guide on how box lacrosse is played.
Learn about three man down, penalties, shot clock violations, penalty shots, goal crease, and more.

Also discuss on Reddit!

Video: Copyright National Lacrosse League (I do not own any video footage).
Music: ‘Julia Chang’ by Namco
Images: Toronto Rock
Narrated, Directed and Produced by Ninh Ly

Copyright Ninh Ly 2014 –
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0 Comment on Meguro Sky Garden – Tokyo – 目黒天空庭園 – 4K Ultra HD
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Meguro Sky Garden – Tokyo – 目黒天空庭園 – 4K Ultra HD

What’s the best way to hide a hideous and monstrous highway intersection: Just cover it up and turn it into a nice, quiet garden!

Planted on top of the roof of the Ohashi Junction, the Meguro Sky Garden is a 400m long spiraling garden constructed on a slope rising from 15 to 35 meters above street level. At its center, the Meguro Sky Garden hides a library, a large football field, and even a car park.

Open from 9am to 9pm, the Meguro Sky Garden is not only a pleasant place to take a break if you are living nearby, but also a nice spot to shoot photos and videos of Fuji-San (Mt Fuji) and the urban landscape.

Français 🇫🇷
Quel est le meilleur moyen de camoufler une monstrueuse et bruyante intersection d’autoroutes ? Couvrez la et transformez le tout en un joli petit jardin tranquille !

Installé sur le toit de la jonction Ohashi, le jardin Meguro Sky s’étend en une spirale de 400m de long, et s’élève à une hauteur de 15 à 35m du niveau du sol. En son centre, on y trouve une bibliotheque, un grand terrain de football, et un parking.

Ouvert de 9h à 21h, le jardin Meguro Sky n’est pas seulement un endroit ou les riverains peuvent s’évader, c’est aussi un point de vue interessant pour shooter des photos et videos du Mont Fuji et du paysage urbain.

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