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Kamakura Engaku-ji Temple – Kanagawa – 円覚寺 – 4K Ultra HD
Kanagawa Kamakura Engaku-ji Temple – 円覚寺 – 4K Ultra HD : Like Hokokuji, Engakuji is not your average temple, and it is actually ranked as the second most important Zen Buddhist temple in Japan. Founded in 1282 by a Chinese Zen monk at the request of Hojo Tokimune (then ruler of Japan), Engakuji is in fact more like a closed village temple than an actual temple.
Indeed Engakuji features not only seven main buildings including the Sanmon (山門) as the main gate, but also a main hall or Butsu-den (仏殿), Shari-Den a reliquary hall (舎利殿), Butsunichia-an (仏日庵) or the burial site of Hojo Tokimune, Obai-In (黄梅院) a small temple containing a statue of Kannon, Ogane (大鐘) a 2.5m high bell as well, Mu (無) the grave of of film director Yasujirō Ozu and the private lodgings of many priests.
The “Japanese Village” atmosphere, with its many ponds, the cafe and restaurant make Engakuji one of the most interesting places to visit in Kamakura by a long shot!
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Kamakura Hokokuji Temple – Kanagawa – 報国寺 – 4K Ultra HD
Kanagawa Kamakura Hokokuji Temple – 報国寺 – 4K Ultra HD : Number 10 on the Kamakura 33 Kannon pilgrimage, Hokokuji is one of Kamakura’s most peculiar temples. Secluded and located in the eastern hills of Kamakura, Hokokuji was founded in 1334 and, like many other temples in the region, it suffered badly as a result of the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake.
What’s so special about this temple is that it features a bamboo grove strengthened by more than 2,000 moso bamboo, that is hidden in plain sight. Only accessible from a small entrance on the left side of the main hall, this grove, or as many people like to call it, this bamboo ‘forest’ offers more than just one of the most gorgeous views than you can find in Kamakura. It also also hosts a small green tea coffee shop where you can enjoy one of Kamakura’s finest cups of Japanese tea while enjoying the view.
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The Rules of 9 Ball Pool (Nine Ball Pool) – EXPLAINED!
Ninh explains the Rules of 9 Ball Pool – a popular cue sports table game from the USA.
This is a beginner’s explanation of Nine Ball Pool Rules.
Watch this short video tutorial guide on how to play 9 Ball under World Pool Rules.
Learn about sink, golden break, fouls, lag, Mosconi Cup and more!
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Video: Copyright Sky Sports, Mosconi Cup, WPBSA (I do not own any video footage – I claim FAIR USE).
Images: Google
Music: ‘Mammagamma’ by Alan Parsons and Eric Woolfson
Narrated, Directed and Produced by Ninh Ly
Copyright Ninh Ly 2014 –
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Shirahama Beach – Shizuoka – 白浜 – 4K Ultra HD
Shizuoka Shirahama Beach – 白浜 – 4K Ultra HD : Alongside Shimoda and its many gorgeous beaches, Shirahama Beach comes in a close second. Famous among surfers this 800m long beach is EXTREMELY popular in summer, and we can’t stress the word popular enough here! During July and August you may have a hard time finding a decent spot to lay down your summer gear, even at 7 in the morning!
Besides the hotel nearby, the place does not offer much and we would strongly advise bringing a packed lunch if you want to eat something good while sunbathing.
Finally, Shirahama Beach is also popular for its nearby shrine and red torii sitting proudly on a huge rock located at the far left end of the beach. All year long this torii offers a unique view that can rarely be seen in Japan so we strongly advise bringing along your camera for some stunning shots!
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The Rules of Snooker – EXPLAINED!
Ninh explains the Rules of Snooker – a popular cue sports table game from England.
This is a beginner’s explanation of Snooker Rules.
Watch this short video tutorial guide on how to play Snooker under World Snooker Rules.
Learn about potting, snookered, fouls, free balls, maximum break 147 and more!
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Video: Copyright Eurosport, World Snooker, WPBSA (I do not own any video footage – I claim FAIR USE).
Images: Google, Ronnie O’Sullivan
Music: ‘Drag Racer’ by The Doug Wood Band
Narrated, Directed and Produced by Ninh Ly
Copyright Ninh Ly 2014 –
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Tokyo Yebisu Garden Palace – 恵比寿ガーデンプレイス – 4K Ultra HD
Yebisu Garden Palace – 恵比寿ガーデンプレイス – 4K Ultra HD : If it were not for the Yebisu Beer museum and the Taillvent-Robuchon “maison bourgeoise” (sorry folks for breaking your dream but this is not a “chateau” or a castle since the structure was not built by any lords from the French royal family) Yebisu Garden Palace would have been one of Tokyo’s most boring places to visit. So here you are…nothing much to say about this place and even its proximity to Mitsukoshi department store is a huge let down. Our advice? Don’t waste too much for your time visiting the area, just enjoy any video (like ours) of the place you can find on the internet and you will be done!
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Mie Meoto Iwa – 夫婦岩 – 4K Ultra HD
Mie Meoto Iwa – 夫婦岩 – 4K Ultra HD : Located off the shores of Futami city in Mie and just 10km away from Ise Grand Shrine, Meoto Iwa (also known as the Married Couple Rocks), are a couple of small rocks sitting peacefully.
According to the Shinto Futami Okitama Jinja (二見興玉神社), the rocks represent the union of the creators of Izanagi-no-Okami (God), represented by the larger rock and Izanami-no-Mikoto (Goddess), by the smaller and more delicate rock. Link together by a rope, these two rocks symbolize the union in marriage between a man and a woman.
It is also interesting to note that the rope linking both rocks can weigh up to a ton and need to be replaced several times a year during a dedicated ceremony organized by the Futami Okitama Jinja. Finally if you plan to visit Meoto Iwa it is, according to the locals, advisable to come in summer and early in the morning to fully enjoy the sun rising between the two rocks.
Also note that the video above was taken on the same day, first at 6am during high tide, and then at 2pm during low tide.
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The Best Value Pickups for Electric Guitar or Bass – Cheap & Awesome!
Ninh explains the Best Value Cheap Pickups that sound great on Electric Guitar or Bass.
You don’t have to spend lots of money on Seymour Duncan’s and DiMarzio’s. There are companies that sell excellent pickups for a fraction of the price!
Watch this short video tutorial guide on where to get the best sounding cheap pickups on the market today! We also cover pots and capacitors too!
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Video: Copyright Ninh Ly
Images: Vanson, Warman, Wilkinson, Fender, Seymour Duncan, Sprague Orange Drops, Vishay, CPC, Northern Guitars
Music: ‘GTAL The Ballad of Gay Tony’ by Rockstar Games
Narrated, Directed and Produced by Ninh Ly
Copyright Ninh Ly 2014 –
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Kamakura Tsurugaoka Hachimangu – Kanagawa – 鶴岡八幡宮 – 4K Ultra HD
Kanagawa Kamakura Tsurugaoka Hachimangu – 鶴岡八幡宮 – 4K Ultra HD : Originally erected and founded by Minamoto Yoritomo in 1063, Tsurugaoka Hachimangu is the most important Shinto Shrine in the famous resort city of Kamakura, near Yokohama. Its popularity among Japanese tourists of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu is almost without limit and its 1.8km long approach gives the shrine its unique sense of grandeur that unfortunately quickly vanishes once you are standing in the shrine’s main hall. But then again, it is only when you are looking back on your path that you can really appreciate the inner beauty of this temple.
Speaking of the shrine’s main approach, did you know that the two ponds flanking it have a dedicated meaning? Indeed the pond that features three islands represents the Minamoto Clan, while the other represents the Taira Clan, Minamoto’s arch rival and has four islands. While this may sound unimportant to most of us, the number four in Japan is also known as the unluckiest number since in Japanese its pronunciation is similar to the word “death”…
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The Rules of Ultimate Frisbee (Ultimate) – EXPLAINED!
Ninh explains the Rules of Ultimate Frisbee, officially known as Ultimate, but sometimes called Ultimate Flying Disc.
This is a beginner’s explanation of NCAA Ultimate Rules.
Watch this short video tutorial guide on how to play Ultimate Frisbee under NCAA, MLU & International rules.
Learn about pulling, lay out, stalling, hammer, dive, plays and more!
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Video: Copyright ESPN U, XOSDigital, (I do not own any video footage – I claim FAIR USE).
Images: Google
Music: ‘Move on baby’ by Cappella
Narrated, Directed and Produced by Ninh Ly
Copyright Ninh Ly 2014 –
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