Author: japanwrestling_al675n
This oil painter creates incredible pieces with her fingers
Iris Scott is a professional oil painter who creates incredible portraits using just her fingertips.
Lasers beat rust every time
This is the P-Laser material cleaner. It shoots “bullets” of light at rusting objects.
This is the PieCaken
The PieCaken is a layer of pecan pie, a layer of pumpkin pie, and a layer of spice cake all in one!
This water bottle expands like a slinky
The que Bottle can hold 20 ounces of liquid.
This fair stand will fry anything
Stiffler’s Sweet Spot at the State Fair of Texas is known for their fried junk food.
This micro apartment has moving furniture
Ori is a system of moveable furniture for tiny apartments. It’s designed by Silicon Valley’s most famous designer, Yves Béhar.
This company will hide your valuables where no one will look
Quick Safes creates cool ways to keep your valuables safe.
Goo Can Stretch Up To 20 Times Its Length
Researchers at the Wyss Institute at Harvard are developing a new kind of “hydrogel.”
Check out the original video from the @Wyss Institute here:
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These French mashed potatoes are loaded with gooey cheese
These are served at Bar Boulud in Manhattan.
You Can Get A 3D Selfie From A Store In NYC
Doob makes 3D printed figures of you from a full body scan.
See more from Doob:
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