Author: japanwrestling_al675n
Okama Crater – Miyagi – 御釜 – 4K Ultra HD
Located between Yamagata and Miyagi Prefecture, Mount Zao is the tallest mountain in the area with a height of 1841m. Popular all year long where people go either to ski in the winter or go trekking in summer, Mount Zao is also famous for its stunning Okama crater filled with sulfurous green water. While it is forbidden to get close to the crater itself, the view from Mount Zao and its natural formation is breathtaking and by far our favorite in the region.
Français 🇫🇷
Situé entre Yamagata et la préfecture de Miyagi, le mont Zao est la plus haute montagne de la région grâce à ses 1841m d’altitude. Populaire tout au long de l’année, et où les gens viennent skier en hiver et randonner en été, le mont Zao est également célèbre pour son saisissant cratère Okama rempli d’une sulfureuse eau verte. Alors qu’il est interdit de s’approcher du cratère, la vue qu’offre le mont Zao sur son environnement naturel est à couper le souffle, et est de très loin, notre panorama préféré dans la région.
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Osorezan Bodai-ji Temple – Aomori – 恐山菩提寺 – 4K Ultra HD
Alongside Koyansan and Heizan, Osorezan or the Mount Osore, is one of the three most sacred places in Japan. Over 1,000 years ago, a Buddhist priest in search of a mountain resembling the world of Buddha, stumbled upon Mount Osore and its unique landscape, which, according to the legend, was like discovering the world of Buddha itself so he decided to erect the Bodai-ji Temple.
Rich with volcanic activity and a strong sulfur smell, Osorezan is said to be the entrance to the afterlife, where dead souls pass through before being sent to Hell or paradise. Osorezan is also very popular among Japanese for its Bodaiji’s festival where mediums try to help people to communicate with their loved ones.
Français 🇫🇷
Tout comme Koyansan et Heizan, Osorezan, ou le mont Osore, est un des trois lieux les plus sacrés du Japon. Il y a plus de 1 000 ans, un prêtre bouddhiste était en quête d’une montagne qui ressemblerait au monde de Bouddha. Frappé par le paysage unique qu’offre le mont Osore, qui, d’après la legende, lui a instantanément donné la sensation d’y découvrir le monde de Bouddha, le prêtre décida d’ériger ici le temple Bodai-ji.
Riche de son activité volcanique et de sa forte odeur de soufre, il est dit qu’Osorezan est la porte de la vie après la mort où les âmes font escale avant d’être envoyées en enfer ou au paradis. Osorezan est aussi célèbre auprès des japonais pour son festival du Bodaji où des médiums aident les gens à communiquer avec les défunts.
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Panasonic Leica 8-18mm Micro-step Aperture Test – 4K Ultra HD
This is a quick video which aims to see how the Micro-step aperture works on the new Panasonic Leica 8-18mm.
Simply put, Micro-step aperture seems to work well, however, do not set your Camera to Auto ISO as you will see that, unlike the Aperture, ISO step is far from being smooth.
— NOTE : The Auto ISO Steps effect seems to vanish when the camera metering is set to “SPOT”. On the above video, the metering was set to “MULTI METERING” —
Now, what I would like to see implemented on the GH5 are
1. Aperture Mini / Max Limit
2. Smooth Auto ISO changes.
Video mode tested:
1. Full Manual, Fixed ISO
2. Full Manual, Auto ISO
3. Shutter Priority, Fixed ISO
4. Shutter Priority, Auto ISO
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Panasonic Leica 8-18mm Setup Test – Jiyugaoka – 4K Ultra HD
Hi everyone! Nothing special here as I am just testing a new lens and gear for our future Walking Around series.
Anyway, I was so impressed with the result (no post production stab) that I wanted to share this video with you gals and guys to get your feedback on this setup.
Quick note.
– This was shot a few hours ago
– I did not bother much with the camera setting (Auto ISO), I just wanted to see how the lens would behave since the lens is not stabilized.)
– Aperture was set at F2.8 because of the ND filter mounted on it. F4 or F5.6 would have been better (sharper image).
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The Rules of Rugby Sevens (Rugby 7’s) – EXPLAINED!
Ninh explains the Rules of Rugby Sevens. A variation of the Rules of Rugby Union. This is a beginner’s explanation of Rugby Rules.
Watch this short video tutorial guide on how to play Rugby 7’s under World Rugby, IRFU, RFU, HSBC World Sevens, Olympic Rugby and International Sports rules.
Learn about 7’s, try, conversion, penalty, tackles, scrums, line outs, knock on, in touch, forward pass and more.
Also discuss on Reddit!
Video: Copyright HSBC World Rugby Sevens (I do not own video footage and claim fair use).
Images: Google (Various)
Music: ‘Guile’s Theme’ by Capcom
Narrated, Directed and Produced by Ninh Ly
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How To Make Two-Toned Sequin Clothing
Sequin clothing is a hot trend right now. Check out more from Official Rainbow Girl here:
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Walking around Togoshi Ginza – Tokyo – 戸越銀座商店街 – 4K Ultra HD
The Togoshi Ginza Shotengai is a large 1.3 km long shopping street that crosses through Hiratsuka, Togoshi, Yutaka-cho and Nishi-Shinagawa in Tokyo’s Shinagawa Ward. Togoshi Ginza is actually made of three distinct shotengai running end to end with the Shoeika, Chuogai and Ginrokukai and promoted under the Togoshi Ginza entity. Despite its fancy name, Togoshi Ginza is not related to Tokyo’s famous Ginza luxury shopping district, despite the fact that both streets are somehow connected. Indeed after the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 leftover bricks from the rebuilding of the Ginza area were given to Togoshi for the construction of its Shotengai, hence explaining why the place is now named the Togoshi Ginza Shotengai.
Français 🇫🇷
Togoshi Ginza Shotengai est une longue rue commerciale qui s’étend sur 1,3km et qui traverse Hiratsuka, Togoshi, Yutaka-cho et Nishi-shinagawa, dans le secteur de Shinagawa à Tokyo. Togoshi Ginza est en fait constitué de trois shotengai (rues commerçantes japonaises) distinctes qui joignent d’un bout à l’autre Shoeikai, Chuogai, et Ginrokukai, et trouve son nom sous l’entité “Togoshi Ginza”.
En dépit de son joli nom, Togoshi Ginza n’a rien à voir avec le fameux quartier luxuriant de Ginza à Tokyo, bien que leurs artères principales sont connectées entre elles. En effet, après le grand séisme du Kanto en 1923, le surplus de matériaux de construction prévus pour l’aire de Ginza a été donné à Togoshi pour la construction de sa Shotengai, ce qui explique pourquoi cet endroit se nomme désormais Togoshi Ginza Shotengai.
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Creating Pottery with Balloons Might Be Our New Hobby
Jeremy Smoler is a software engineer who loves to create pottery…with balloons! The balloon resist technique helps him glaze his art to perfection. The INSIDER team believes that life is an adventure! Subscribe to our channel and visit us at:
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This Man and Woman Sculpture Depicts Star-crossed Lovers
Tamara Kvesitadze designed the famous Georgian sculptures that stand at 26 feet. The “Man and Woman” statue was inspired by the fictional love story of Ali and Nino; 2 people who could never be together. The INSIDER team believes that life is an adventure! Subscribe to our channel and visit us at:
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The Rules of Boxing – EXPLAINED!
Ninh explains – The Rules of Boxing. A popular fighting sport that is also known as Western Boxing or English Boxing.
Watch this short beginner’s tutorial video guide on how to box, boxing rules, and how to fight.
Learn about knockouts, knockdowns, TKO, stoppage, jabs, hooks, uppercuts, crosses, fights, rounds and more.
Also discuss on Reddit!
Video: Copyright HBO, Showtime, TV Azteca.
(I do not own video footage and claim fair use).
Images: Google (Various)
Music: ‘Balrog’s Theme’ by Capcom
Narrated, Directed and Produced by Ninh Ly
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