Author: japanwrestling_al675n

0 Comment on Giant Natural Hair Festival Attracts Thousands In NYC
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Giant Natural Hair Festival Attracts Thousands In NYC

CurlFest in Brooklyn brings thousands of people looking to style, celebrate, and enjoy their natural hair.

Producer: Alana Yzola

0 Comment on Harajuku Station and Takeshita Street – 原宿駅 竹下通り – 4K Ultra HD
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Harajuku Station and Takeshita Street – 原宿駅 竹下通り – 4K Ultra HD

Harajuku is by far one of the most famous districts in Tokyo when it comes to youth fashion and Japanese subculture. While the main point of interest here is the 500m long Takeshita Street and its many trendy shops, used closed stores, fashion boutiques and small Japanese crepe stands and other fast food restaurants. Harajuku Station is also, thanks to its unique architecture one the area’s main point of interest.

However, like many things in Tokyo, this cute little station will soon be turned into pieces to make place to a new soulless station in order to accommodate more people for the upcoming 2020 Olympics.

Français 🇨🇵
Harajuku est de loin le quartier le plus réputé de Tokyo en ce qui concerne la mode chez les jeunes et la sous-culture japonaise. Tout le potentiel de Harajuku se concentre sur les 500m de sa rue Takeshita et au travers de ses boutiques branchées, de ses vieux magasins fermés, et de ses vendeurs de crêpes et autres fast-food. La gare de Harajuku est aussi, de par son architecture unique, un lieu incontournable.

Cependant, comme beaucoup de choses à Tokyo, cette belle petite gare va être très prochainement démantelée pour être remplacée par une nouvelle gare sans charme afin de servir plus de voyageurs en prévision des Jeux Olympiques 2020

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0 Comment on Café Makes The Fluffiest Marshmallows
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Café Makes The Fluffiest Marshmallows

XO Marshmallow is a new café in Chicago and they have all sorts of gooey treats!
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0 Comment on The Rules of Racquetball – EXPLAINED!
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The Rules of Racquetball – EXPLAINED!

Ninh explains – The Rules of Racquetball, which is sometimes referred to as ‘American Racquetball’. A popular racket sport that’s similar to British Racketball and Squash.

Specific to the International Racquetball Federation and World Racquetball Tour rules, watch this short beginner’s tutorial video guide on how Racquetball is played, Racquetball rules, and how to play and watch Racketball.
Learn about hinder, fault, serve, points, highlights and more.

Also discuss on Reddit!

Video: Copyright International Racquetball (IRF), World Racquetball Tour (I do not own video footage and claim fair use).
Images: Google (Various)
Music: ‘Hillside Plaza’ by Capcom
Narrated, Directed and Produced by Ninh Ly

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0 Comment on The Rules of Squash – EXPLAINED!
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The Rules of Squash – EXPLAINED!

Ninh explains – The Rules of Squash. A popular racket sport that’s similar to British Racketball and American Racquetball.

Specific to the World Squash and Professional Squash Association rules, watch this short beginner’s tutorial video guide on how Squash is played, Squash rules, and how to play and watch Squash and Racketball (now Squash 57)

Learn about let, stroke, boast, point, set, T zone, highlights and more.

Also discuss on Reddit!

Video: Copyright PSA, England Squash & Racketball (I do not own video footage and claim fair use).
Images: Google (Various)
Music: ‘The Grid’ by Capcom
Narrated, Directed and Produced by Ninh Ly

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0 Comment on You Can Plant Veggies And Herbs With This Pencil
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You Can Plant Veggies And Herbs With This Pencil

Denmark-based Sprout World takes sustainability to the next level. Learn more at:
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0 Comment on Home Unfolds Within 10 Minutes
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Home Unfolds Within 10 Minutes

Ten Fold Engineering created a home that unfolds with the push of a button.
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0 Comment on Walking around Akihabara – 秋葉原 – 4K Ultra HD
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Walking around Akihabara – 秋葉原 – 4K Ultra HD

Back when we started the whole “TokyoStreetView” project, we started to cover Tokyo’s most famous, or shall I say iconic locations. But with time not only our gear changed and we decided that it was about time to revisit some of them and give you yet another taste of what they can offer. Today we will guide you through the streets of Akihabara with another one in our “Walking Around” series.

Back in early 2000, Akihabara was really the world´s best place to purchase electronics, computer parts, cameras and so on, but almost two decades later, Akihabara is just the ghost of what it used to be. Sure you can still find some interesting stuff there, but the choice of places where you could go have been cut by a good 60%.
Most of the nice stores that we used to shop at have disappeared and now sell online or have been replaced by a scary number of these cheap tourist traps called Duty Free stores. Still, Akihabara is a place that you have to visit once in your life, but besides the occasional stroll to the Yodobashi Akiba in order to play with the latest cameras or to compare products, goods deals in Japan are now on or

Français 🇫🇷
A la naissance du projet “TokyoStreetView”, nous commencions par des reportage sur les plus célèbres, ou devrais-je plutôt dire, les plus iconiques des endroits de Tokyo. Or depuis le temps, notre matériel a bien évolué, et nous souhaitons revisiter quelques uns de ces lieux afin de les apprécier sous un nouvel angle. Aujourd’hui, nous allons vous guider dans les rues d’Akihabara au travers de cet épisode de notre série “Walking Around”.

Au début des années 2000, Akihabara était la référence mondiale pour l’achat d’objets électroniques, de composants de PC, de matériel photo, etc… mais après presque 20 ans déjà, Akihabara n’est plus que le spectre de ce qu’elle était. Vous trouverez encore du matériel intéressant, mais le large choix de lieux qu’il est recommandé de visiter a presque chuté de moitié. En effet, les bons magasins où nous avions l’habitude de faire escale ont disparu et ne proposent désormais que de la vente en ligne, ou ont été purement remplacés par ces pièges à touristes que nous appelons “Duty Free”. Akihabara reste toujours cependant un endroit à visiter au moins une fois dans sa vie, mais en dehors d’un saut occasionnel au gigantesque magasin Yodobashi Akiba pour jouer avec les dernières caméras, les bonnes affaires au Japon se trouvent desormais sur ou

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0 Comment on Cutting Boards That Are Too Beautiful To Use
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Cutting Boards That Are Too Beautiful To Use

Clint Monnier makes brick, 3D cube, and diamond-like patterns. See more at:
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0 Comment on World’s Most Expensive Doughnut
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World’s Most Expensive Doughnut

Birdies in Downtown LA fries up all sorts of delicious treats.
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