Author: japanwrestling_al675n
Hand-Painted Sustainable Tiles
Fireclay Tile has been making hand-painted sustainable tiles for thirty years. They were the first company to use lead-free glazes.
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The Rules of Jai Alai – (Cesta Punta) – EXPLAINED!
Ninh explains – The Rules of Jai Alai (Cesta Punta) – Is an all-but-forgotten sport in the USA, but is still played professionally in the Basque region of France and Spain.
Specific to International Jai Alai Rules – watch this short beginner’s tutorial video guide on how Jai Alai is played, Jai Alai rules and guidelines, and how to play Jai Alai.
Learn about cesta, pelota, 4 and 7 line, 11 line, round robin, set, gambling and more..
Also discuss on Reddit!
Video: Internationaux Cesta Punta, Sports Valley Jai Alai (I do not own any footage and claim fair use!)
Images: Google (Various)
Music: ‘High Roller Casino’ by Capcom
Narrated, Directed and Produced by Ninh Ly
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Spa Offers Beard Facial
Heyday in NYC offers customized facial hair treatments. To book an appointment with Heyday, visit:
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The Rules of 3 on 3 Basketball (FIBA 3×3 – The Big3) – EXPLAINED!
Ninh explains – The Rules of 3 on 3 Basketball (FIBA 3×3 – The Big3) – A variation sport of the rules of Basketball. This version is only played on half a court with 3 players.
Specific to The Big3 and FIBA’s 3×3 Rules – watch this short beginner’s tutorial video guide on how 3 on 3 Basketball is played, 3×3 Basketball rules and guidelines, and how to play Basketball.
Learn about 4 point shot, dunk, passing, dribbling, FIBA, The Big3, differences, highlights and more.
It might be worthwhile seeing my Rules of Basketball video first:
Also discuss on Reddit!
Video: FIBA 3×3, The Big 3, Fox Sports 1 (I do not own any footage and claim fair use!)
Images: Google (Various)
Music: ‘Shadaloo Base Alternative’ by Capcom
Narrated, Directed and Produced by Ninh Ly
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Artist Creates Realistic Clay Sculptures
Israeli artist Ronit Baranga makes realistic sculptures inspired by ancient Chinese tomb figures. Check out her work, here:
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Oyabu Onsen in Ozu – Ehime – 小薮温泉 – 4K Ultra HD
Located in the heart of Ehime prefecture and within Ozu’s city management, Oyabu gorge is the definition of a natural wonder. Discovered only recently in 1876 during the Meiji period, the hot spring of Oyabu only became famous during the Taisho period which roughly corresponds to the first quarter of last century. The main building has been modified and renovated since then. Also being a Ryokan, Oyabu Onsen has quickly become a place where relaxing is the closest things to becoming art. With a gorgeous lounge with tatami mats, sliding doors, and balustraded balconies, Oyabu Onsen is a little piece of heaven, lost in the middle of Ozu’s mountain side that you need to check out if you are visiting Ehime!
Français 🇫🇷
Située au coeur de la préfecture de Ehime, et sous la gestion de la ville d’Ozu, Oyabu est par definition une beauté de la nature. Découverte très récemment en 1876 en l’ère Meiji, les sources d’eau chaudes d’Oyabu ne sont devenues célèbres que durant l’ère Taisho qui correspond au premier quart du siècle dernier. Le bâtiment principal a été modifié et rénové depuis. Etant également un Ryokan, l’Onsen d’Oyabu est rapidement devenu un endroit où le fait de venir s’y détendre est en soi une oeuvre d’art. Avec un salon couvert de tatamis, des portes coulissantes et des balcons en balustrade, l’Onsen d’Oyabu est une petite chambre du paradis, perdue au centre des montagnes d’Ozu qu’il fait bon visiter si vous vous arrêtez à Ehime.
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Walking around Odaiba – Tokyo – お台場 – 4K Ultra HD
Being one of the very first locations that we visited when we started this project, Odaiba is still a place that we enjoy coming to again and again, and today we could not resist creating a new “walking around” video of the area and this is just for you!
Also known as the official beach of Tokyo, Odaiba’s construction was initially started to protect Tokyo with a series of six fortress islands build in the 1850s.
Today you can only access the No. 3 Battery Fortress or Dai-San Daiba (第三台場) which has been open to the public since 1928. Usually empty, this converted battery is an amazingly peaceful park with a stunning view of both Odaiba beach and Rainbow Bridge!
Talking about the Rainbow Bridge, did you know that its real name was originally the “Shuto Expressway No. 11 Daiba Route – Port of Tokyo Connector Bridge”? The name Rainbow Bridge was later decided by the public after its construction, which ended in 1993.
Visiting Odaiba cannot be done in one day, there is so much to discover there and we strongly advise you to plan ahead in order to not miss anything that this place has to offer!
Français 🇫🇷
Etant un des tout premiers lieux que nous avions visité au commencement de ce projet, Odaiba reste un endroit dont nous ne nous lassons pas. Et aujourd’hui, nous n’avons pas pu résister à la tentation de faire un nouvel épisode de “walking around” de cet endroit spécialement pour vous !
Aussi connue comme la plage officielle de Tokyo, l’île d’Odaiba est en fait une des six îles forteresses construites vers 1850 et qui avaient pour but de protéger Tokyo. De nos jours, on ne peut visiter que la Battery Fortress numéro 3,aussi appelée plus joliment “Dai-San Daiba” et ouverte au public depuis 1928. D’ordinaire vide, cette batterie convertie est un impressionnant et relaxant parc muni d’une vue frappante sur à la fois la plage d’Odaiba et le Rainbow Bridge !
A propos du Rainbow Bridge, saviez vous que son vrai nom d’origine était “Shuto Expressway No.11 Daiba Route – Port of Tokyo Connector Bridge” ? Le nom de Rainbow Bridge a par la suite été décidé par le public après sa construction qui fut achevée en 1993.
La visite d’Odaiba ne peut pas être faite en seulement une journée. Il y a énormément de choses à découvrir ici et nous vous recommandons fortement de planifier votre visite à l’avance afin de ne passer à côté de rien !
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The Rules of Golf – EXPLAINED!
Ninh explains – The Rules of Golf. Learn how to play golf in this short 5 minute video.
Specific to the Professional Golfers Association (PGA Tour) rules – watch this short beginner’s tutorial video guide on how Golf is played, Golf rules and Guidelines, and how to play Golf.
Learn about stroke, bunker, hole in one, shot, par, birdie, green, rough, water hazard, penalty, and more.
Also discuss on Reddit!
Video: Copyright The Open, PGA Tour (I do not own video footage and claim fair use).
Images: Google (Various)
Music: ‘I’m shipping up to Boston’ by The Dropkick Murphys
Narrated, Directed and Produced by Ninh Ly
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How Geologists Collect Lava Samples From Volcanoes
Geologists look for small, isolated outbreaks of lava and approach upwind.
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Uchiko Ikazaki Kite Fighting Festival – Ehime – いかざき大凧合戦 – 4K Ultra HD
Every year, the lovely city of Uchiko in Ehime holds a unique kite festival where amateurs and schools of the Uchiko area come and show off their skills. The winner here will be the person who was able to let his kite fly as high as possible.
Also, part of the Uchiko Ikazaki Kite Fighting Festival are these huge kites that feature the name of the city’s newborn children in order to wish them good health and good fortune.
Taking place all day long the Uchiko Ikazaki Kite Fighting Festival is a fun little festival that is worth checking out if you are visiting Ehime around May!
Français 🇨🇵
Tous les ans, la magnifique ville d’Uchiko à Ehime organise un festival unique de cerfs volants où les amateurs et les écoles des environs participent. Le gagnant sera l’adepte capable de faire voler son cerf volant le plus haut possible.
Egalement proposé durant le Uchiko Ikazaki Kite Fighting Festival, nous trouvons des cerfs volants immenses sur lesquels sont écrit les noms des nouveaux nés de la ville afin de leur souhaiter richesse et bonne santé.
Se déroulant sur toute une journée, ce festival est un événement très amusant auquel nous vous recommandons d’assister si vous prévoyez de visiter Ehime vers Mai !
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