Author: japanwrestling_al675n

0 Comment on The Rules of Ten Pin (10 Pin) Bowling – EXPLAINED!
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The Rules of Ten Pin (10 Pin) Bowling – EXPLAINED!

Ninh explains – The Rules of Ten Pin (10 Pin) Bowling. Learn how the most popular version of bowling is played worldwide!

Watch this short beginner’s tutorial video guide on how 10 pin bowling is played, Ten Pin rules, and how to play ten Pin Bowling.

Learn about open frame, spares, strikes, gutterballs, frames, splits, oil pattern and more.

Also discuss on Reddit!

Video: Copyright PBA, ESPN (I do not own video footage and claim fair use).
Images: Google (Various)
Music: ‘Karin Kanzuki’ by Capcom
Narrated, Directed and Produced by Ninh Ly

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0 Comment on Corn on the Cob Ice Cream
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Corn on the Cob Ice Cream

Crème de la Corn is corn on the cob topped with ice cream.

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0 Comment on Chewy Mediterranean Ice Cream
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Chewy Mediterranean Ice Cream

Lezzetli makes Mediterranean ice cream that can be sliced.


#IceCream #Dessert #Insider

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Chewy Mediterranean Ice Cream

0 Comment on Uchiko Omori Natural Wax Candle – Ehime – 大森和蝋燭屋 – 4K Ultra HD
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Uchiko Omori Natural Wax Candle – Ehime – 大森和蝋燭屋 – 4K Ultra HD

Being of Uchiko’s prosperous past, including many natural wax manufacturing industries, Uchiko is still home, beside its Natural Wax Museum, of the latest Natural Wax candle Specialist with the Omori Candle Shop.

Belonging to the Omori family with Mr. Taro Omori (6th generation craftsman) and his son, Ryotaro Omori (7th generation), the Omori family is crafting day after day gorgeous natural wax candles that unlike petroleum candles does not emit disturbing black smokes but offers cleaner burning without toxins, carcinogens or pollutants usually triggering allergies. Also, natural wax candles last generally from 30% to 50% longer than regular paraffin based candles.

Here as well the process of making Natural Wax candle is a long and fascinating one where craftsmen have to scoop up 40 to 45℃ molten wax with bare hands, rubbing it around the wick and letting it dry, the candles slowly grow larger.

Français 🇫🇷
Faisant la prospérité de son propre passé, et de plusieurs fabriques de cire naturelle, Uchiko reste l’hôte, devant son musée de cire naturelle, de la boutique Omori, le dernier spécialiste de bougies en cire naturelle.

La famille Omori, avec Taro Omori (6ème génération d’artisan) et son fils Ryotaro Omori (7ème génération), fabrique jour après jour de magnifiques bougies en cire naturelle qui, contrairement aux lampes à pétrole qui génèrent de la fumée noire, brûlent plus proprement sans dégager de matière toxique, cancérigène, allergène, ou polluante. Aussi, ces bougies en cire durent de 30 à 50% plus longtemps que les bougies industrielles en paraffine.

La fabrication de chacune de ces bougie est un procédé long et fascinant où les artisans saisissent à mains nues la cire molle à environ 45℃, l’enroulent autour de la mèche, et laissent ensuite sécher la bougie qui grossira lentement.

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0 Comment on The Rules of Pesäpallo (Finnish Baseball) – EXPLAINED!
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The Rules of Pesäpallo (Finnish Baseball) – EXPLAINED!

Ninh explains – The Rules of Pesäpallo (Finnish Baseball). Learn what the national sport of Finland is all about – it looks like American MLB Baseball – but it’s definitely a lot different!

Watch this short beginner’s tutorial video guide on how Pesapallo is played, Pesäpallo rules, and how to play Pesä pallo (Finnish Baseball)
Learn about jokers, home run, caught, out, periods and more.

Special thanks to Tony Jones @ ‘Suomen Baseball Ja Softball Liitto’ for his input and help on this video.

Also discuss on Reddit!

Video: Copyright PPL, SuperPesis (I do not own video footage and claim fair use).
Images: Google (Various)
Music: ‘In the Shadows’ by The Rasmus
Narrated, Directed and Produced by Ninh Ly

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0 Comment on Wooden Spoon Carver
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Wooden Spoon Carver

Lucus Graham is a spoon carving pro. Check out more of his work on Instagram:

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0 Comment on Harry Potter Train in Real Life
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Harry Potter Train in Real Life

Ride the Hogwarts Express in real life with The Jacobite steam train in Scotland.

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0 Comment on Seiyo Suzaki Rock Formation – Ehime – 須崎 – 4K Ultra HD
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Seiyo Suzaki Rock Formation – Ehime – 須崎 – 4K Ultra HD

Just an hour away from Seiyo center and its Unomachi Uwa district is the fishing port of Mikame. Although the fishing business is what drives the heart of Mikame, the city is also famous it’s rock formation where you can see a gorgeous display of layers of sedimentary rock (strata) that align perfectly when seen at the correct angle, that gives the chance to people on the opposite side of the bay to see that the whole rock formation matches the shape of Buddha sleeping on its back.

Français 🇫🇷
A seulement une heure du centre de Seiyo et de son quartier Unomachi Uwa, on trouve le port de pêche de Mikame. Célèbre pour ses affaires liées à la pêche, Mikame est aussi très connue dans la région pour ses élevages de poissons qu’on trouve en grand nombre près de la baie.
Bien que le commerce de poissons soit ce qui nous conduit au coeur de Mikame, la ville est aussi célèbre pour ses formations rocheuses sur lesquelles on peut voir les différentes couches sédimentaires (strate) qui s’alignent parfaitement quand elles sont observées sous le bon angle. Les observateurs situés de l’autre côté de la baie peuvent même deviner les formes de Bouddha dormant sur le dos.

Undercover Vampire Policeman by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

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0 Comment on Crystallized Nature
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Crystallized Nature

Artist and chemist Tyler Thrasher crystallizes all types of specimens. To see more of his work, visit his Instagram: and website:

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0 Comment on Deep Fried Pulled Pork Sushi
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Deep Fried Pulled Pork Sushi

The Deliverance Roll is soy paper sushi with barbecue pulled pork on the inside, deep-fried potato strings on the outside, and bacon coleslaw on top. Get yours at The Cowfish Sushi Burger Bar, Atlanta.

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