Author: japanwrestling_al675n

0 Comment on Walking around Joshinji temple cemetery – 九品仏浄真寺 – 4K Ultra HD
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Walking around Joshinji temple cemetery – 九品仏浄真寺 – 4K Ultra HD

When we started TokyoStreetView three years ago, the first temple we covered was the Joshinji. Not only is this temple very close to where we live, but its unique atmosphere has always been something we loved. Especially so when it comes to its cemetery. Indeed, unlike western cemeteries Japanese cemeteries are full of vegetation and can often be considered as small park. Many such cemeteries even include a playground and places for a nice quiet picnic.

Quand nous démarrions TokyoStreetView il y a trois ans, le premier temple que nous avions couvert était Joshinji. Non seulement ce temple est proche de chez nous, mais nous avons toujours été comblés par son ambiance unique. Plus exactement au sein de son cimetière. En effet, contrairement aux cimetières occidentaux, les cimetières japonais sont plein de vie et de verdure au point d’être considérés comme des parcs. Par ailleurs, la plupart d’entre eux proposent des aires de jeu et de picnic.

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0 Comment on Walking around Jiyugaoka – Tokyo – 自由が丘 – 4K Ultra HD
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Walking around Jiyugaoka – Tokyo – 自由が丘 – 4K Ultra HD

Named after a local school known for its liberal education, Jiyugaoka, which stands for “Freedom Hill” used to be a rural area on the southern end of Meguro, that started to develop in the 1920s after rail services were introduced and where many artists came and settled to get some peace away from Tokyo’s center.
Today, Jiyugaoka is still one of Meguro’s most beloved areas not only for it’s quite fashionable atmosphere but also for it’s many stores and restaurants. Also, note that Jiyugaoka is a very popular destination for people looking for a fashionable hairdresser. Indeed it is not rare to see several hair salons all along Jiyugaoka’s streets.

Nommée après qu’une école locale devienne réputée pour son éducation libérale, Jiyugaoka, qu’on peut traduire par “la colline de la liberté” est une zone rurale de l’extrémité sud de Meguro. Jiyugaoka a commencé à se développer dans les années 20 après avoir été reliée au réseau ferroviaire et après que beaucoup d’artistes s’y installent afin de trouver un peu de paix loin du centre de Tokyo.
Aujourd’hui, Jiyugaoka demeure un endroit apprécié, plus seulement pour son atmosphère calme, mais aussi pour toutes ses boutiques et restaurants. Notez aussi que Jiyugaoka est une destination très prisée par les personnes en quête d’une coiffure tendance, car les rues de Jiyugaoka regorgent d’une multitude de salons de coiffures

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0 Comment on We Tried The Toxic Waste Challenge
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We Tried The Toxic Waste Challenge

It’s not advised to consume more than one of these sour candies at a time — naturally we tried a whole bunch.

If you want to buy one, use this link. We’ll make some money to support our videos:

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0 Comment on Fuji 5th Station autumn colors – Yamanashi – 富士山 五合目 – 4K Ultra HD
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Fuji 5th Station autumn colors – Yamanashi – 富士山 五合目 – 4K Ultra HD

While climbing to the top of Mt. Fuji, you will find several “stations” where people can rest before being able to reach the Fujisan summit. Popular all year long, people often ignore that Mt. Fuji can also offer some spectacular autumn colors around the 4th and 5th stations thanks to their many Karamatsu, or Japanese larch.
Despite being a coniferous plant, Karamatsu pines actually change colors in autumn, from green to yellow, before falling off during winter, giving us a unique chance to see a magnificent yellow crest surrounding Mt. Fuji.

Tout le long du chemin menant au sommet du mont Fuji, vous trouverez plusieurs “stations” où les gens font une halte au cours de leur ascension. Réputé tout au long de l’année, beaucoup ignorent que le mont Fuji (Fujisan) offre en automne des couleurs spectaculaires aux alentours des fameuses 4ème et 5ème stations, particulièrement grâce à ses nombreux Karamatsu, les mélèzes japonais.
En effet, et malgré qu’ils soient des conifères, les Karamatsu changent de couleur en automne, de vert à jaune, avant de disparaître en hiver, nous donnant la chance unique de voir le mont Fuji accompagné d’un jaune éclatant.

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0 Comment on Sannai-Maruyama – Aomori – 国指定特別史跡 三内丸山遺跡 – 4K Ultra HD
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Sannai-Maruyama – Aomori – 国指定特別史跡 三内丸山遺跡 – 4K Ultra HD

Sannai-Maruyama is a Jomon period (14,000 – 300 BC) archaeological site located nearby Aomori City in north of Japan. Found quite recently, in 1992, when the prefecture of Aomori started to survey the area for a new baseball stadium, the Sannai-Maruyama quickly became a wealth of information for Japanese archeologists. Excavations have led to the discovery of storage pits, above ground storage and longhouses as well as many graves. These findings demonstrate a change in the structure of the community, architecture, and organizational behaviors of these people.

Sannai-Maruyama est un site archéologique des environs de la ville d’Aomori, dans le nord du Japon, et qui date de l’ère Jomon (de 14 000 à 300 avant J-C). Découvert très récemment, en 1992, alors que la préfecture d’Aomori faisait une étude de terrain en vue de la construction d’un stade de baseball, le site de Sannai-Maruyama est rapidement devenu une importante source d’informations pour les archéologues japonais. En effet, ils y trouvèrent des fosses de stockages, des stockage hors sol, des longues maisons, ainsi que plusieurs tombes. Ces découvertes témoignent d’un changement dans la structure de la communauté, de l’architecture, et de la manière dont s’organisaient ces gens.

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0 Comment on Walking around Shibuya Dogenzaka – Tokyo – 渋谷区 道玄坂 – 4K Ultra HD
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Walking around Shibuya Dogenzaka – Tokyo – 渋谷区 道玄坂 – 4K Ultra HD

A famous street north of the Shibuya crossing and starting roughly at Shibuya 109, Dogenzaka is known for its long line-up of izakayas, karaoke bars and pretty much every other kind of restaurant. Extremely popular at night, Dogenzaka will lead you to Shibuya’s naughty area where you’ll find many “adult” oriented shops and love hotels.

Français 🇫🇷
Célèbre rue située juste au nord du Shibuya Crossing (le carrefour immense que le piétons traversent au milieu des écrans géants), et qui débute près du bâtiment Shibuya 109, Dogenzaka est réputée pour sa longue lignée d’izakayas, de bars karaoké et un large choix de restaurants. Très populaire pour son ambiance nocturne, Dogenzaka est également célèbre pour attirer les visiteurs adultes dans un petit coin de Shibuya particulièrement coquin et qui regorge de boutiques pour adultes et de Love Hotels.

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0 Comment on Largest Kinetic Sculpture in the World.
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Largest Kinetic Sculpture in the World.

Find the Kinetic Rain sculpture the next time you’re in the Singapore airport.

To see more, visit:

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0 Comment on The Rules of Karate (WKF) – EXPLAINED!
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The Rules of Karate (WKF) – EXPLAINED!

Ninh explains – The Rules of Karate. This video covers the new 2017 rules for Olympic Karate – this is a Japanese Punching and Kicking Martial Art.

Specific to World Karate Federation Rules – watch this short beginner’s tutorial video guide on how Karate is played, Karate rules, and how to play Karate
Learn about punch, kick, points, ippon, waza-ari, yuko, Olympics, and more.

Also discuss on Reddit!

Video: Copyright WKF (I do not own video footage and claim fair use).
Images: Google (Various)
Music: ‘Kanzuki Alternative’ by Kevin MacLeod
Narrated, Directed and Produced by Ninh Ly

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0 Comment on Drive Hokkaido! App: How to use MAPCODE
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Drive Hokkaido! App: How to use MAPCODE

We are proud to present you the Drive Hokkaido! Videos, which are intended to share with you the experience of driving in Hokkaido, and to serve as reference for planning your trip. The videos were filmed in the Summer season, in the Northern and Eastern areas of Hokkaido.

The “Hokkaido Driving Project” is organized by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of JAPAN. It is a pilot program to promote enjoyable driving in Hokkaido for foreign visitors to Japan.

The Drive Hokkaido! App, provided by NAVITIME JAPAN, supports travel by car rental in Hokkaido by providing convenient tools for driving – introducing panoramic routes and tourist spots. The app is available in English for iOS® Android OS® devices.

” Drive Hokkaido!” App download:
App Store :
GooglePlay :


0 Comment on Drive Hokkaido! Soya Area (2)
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Drive Hokkaido! Soya Area (2)

We are proud to present you the Drive Hokkaido! Videos, which are intended to share with you the experience of driving in Hokkaido, and to serve as reference for planning your trip. The videos were filmed in the Summer season, in the Northern and Eastern areas of Hokkaido.

The “Hokkaido Driving Project” is organized by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of JAPAN. It is a pilot program to promote enjoyable driving in Hokkaido for foreign visitors to Japan.

The Drive Hokkaido! App, provided by NAVITIME JAPAN, supports travel by car rental in Hokkaido by providing convenient tools for driving – introducing panoramic routes and tourist spots. The app is available in English for iOS® Android OS® devices.

” Drive Hokkaido!” App download:
App Store :
GooglePlay :
