Author: japanwrestling_al675n

0 Comment on The Rules of Shinty – EXPLAINED!
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The Rules of Shinty – EXPLAINED!

Ninh explains the Rules of Shinty. A beginner’s explanation of a version of hockey played predominantly in the Highlands of Scotland.

Watch this short tutorial video guide on how to play Shinty under Scottish Camanachd Rules.

Learn about goals, hacking, caman, camanachd, fouls, hit in, corner hit, penalty hit, penalty shootout and more.

Also discuss on Reddit!

Video: Copyright BBC Sport Scotland, Camanachd Cup (I do not own any video footage).
Images: Google (Various)
Music: ‘Rolling with the Goblins’ by Celtica Pipes Rock
Narrated, Directed and Produced by Ninh Ly

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0 Comment on This Bike Turns into a Stroller
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This Bike Turns into a Stroller

Take a stroll with your kids on the Salamander Cycle/Stroller.

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0 Comment on Hattasan Sonei-ji – Shizuoka – 法多山 尊永寺 – 4K Ultra HD
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Hattasan Sonei-ji – Shizuoka – 法多山 尊永寺 – 4K Ultra HD

Built-in 725 by Gyoki under orders from Emperor Shomu, Hattasan is located near Hamamatsu in Shizuoka. Hattasan is one of the three traditional temples in Enshu Area, the other two temples being Kasuisai and Yusanji. Hattasan is dedicated to Maha-karuna Avalokitesvara (Bosatsu of Great Compassion) and believed to ward off bad luck and many people visit here to pray for good luck. Hattasan is also very famous for both its autumn colors as well as for Hanami thanks to its 700+ cherry trees.

Construit en 725 par Gyoki en réponse au souhait de l’empereur Shomu, Hattasan est situé près de Hamamatsu a Shizuoka. Hattasan est un des trois temples traditionnels dans la zone d’Enshu, les deux autres temples étant Kasuisai et Yusanji. Dédié à Maha-Karuna Avalokitesvara (le Bosatsu de la grande compassion), Hattasan est réputé pour protéger ses nombreux visiteurs contre la malchance. Les riches couleurs de l’automne ainsi que les plus de 700 cerisiers en fleurs lors du Hanami rendent Hattasan encore plus attractif en ces deux périodes de l’année.

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0 Comment on The Rules of Floorball – EXPLAINED!
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The Rules of Floorball – EXPLAINED!

Ninh explains – The Rules of Floorball – a version of hockey that is played on a flat surface indoors.

Also known as Uni Hockey, Salibandy or Innebandy – watch this short beginner’s tutorial video guide on how Floorball is played, Floor Ball rules, Indoor Hockey guidelines, and how to play Floorball.
Learn about goals, pass, stick handle, penalty shot, penalty shootout, highlights and more.

Also discuss on Reddit!

Video: Svensk Innebandy, TV4, Direkt 4 (I do not own any footage and claim fair use!)
Images: Google (Various)
Music: ‘Flight Energy’ (Royalty Free)
Narrated, Directed and Produced by Ninh Ly

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0 Comment on Ryotan-ji Temple – Shizuoka – 龍潭寺 – 4K Ultra HD
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Ryotan-ji Temple – Shizuoka – 龍潭寺 – 4K Ultra HD

Also located in the heart of the peaceful and beautiful Shizuoka countryside, and near Hamamatsu city, Ryotan-ji temple was founded in 744 and is one of the ancient Zen-temples from the Nara era. It had belonged to the Li family for over fourth generations.
Ryotan-ji is famous for its long and rich history and also for its amazing Zen garden and pond, Shinji Ike. Created by Enshu Kobori, which is shaped after the Chinese Kanji “Kokoro” or heart, it has a beautiful zen rock formation, as well as a unique wooden floor built by Jingoro Hidari, using the Uguisubari technique producing a creaking noise designed as a security feature.

Egalement situé en plein centre de Shizuoka, belle et reposante campagne, et tout près de la ville d’Hamamatsu, le temple Ryotan-ji est un des anciens temples Zen de l’ère Nara, construit en 733. Appartenant à la famille Li, et ce depuis 40 générations, Ryotan-ji n’est pas seulement célèbre pour sa longue et riche histoire, mais également pour son impressionnant jardin Zen et son étang Shinji Ike, créé par Enshu Kobori, qui lui donna une forme inspirée du Kanji Chinois “Kokoro”. Quant à la belle formation rocheuse évoquant le Zen, ainsi que cet unique sol en bois furent construits par Jongoro Hidari qui utilisa la technique Uguisubari qui permet alors à chaque pas de générer un bruit de grincement pour la sécurité des hôtes.

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0 Comment on Okuni Shrine – Shizuoka – 小國神社 – 4K Ultra HD
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Okuni Shrine – Shizuoka – 小國神社 – 4K Ultra HD

Located in the heart of Shizuoka’s peaceful and beautiful countryside and an hour away by car from Hamamatsu, Okuni Shrine is one of the four major Shinto Shrines in the Shizuoka prefecture. According to past official documents, Okuni Shrine was established on February 18, 555 and enshrines the deity known as O-na-muchi No Mikoto, also known as Okunimushi No Mikoto (The Great Land Master).
Since then the Temple received the Imperial offerings and its special envoy every year and many centuries later on June 13, 1874 the Meiji government gave Okuni Shrine the rank of Kokuhei-Shosha class of Nationally significant shrines.

Situé au coeur de Shizuoka, un magnifique petit coin de campagne à une petite heure de voiture depuis Hamamatsu, le sanctuaire d’Okuni est un des quatre sanctuaires Shinto principaux de la préfécture de Shizuoka. D’après les anciens documents officiels, ce temple fut érigé le 18 février 555 et est dédié à la divinité O-na-muchi Mikoto, aussi connue comme Okunimushi No Mikoto (Le grand maître des terres).
Le temple a reçu depuis les offrandes impériales chaque année, et plusieurs siècles plus tard, le 13 juin 1874, le gouvernement Meiji classa le sanctuaire Okuni au rang de Kokuhei-Shosha, rang auquel ont droit les sanctuaires d’influence nationale.

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0 Comment on Restaurant Uses Over 6,000 Eggs A Week
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Restaurant Uses Over 6,000 Eggs A Week

People line up in the morning to get a taste of the Austin-style breakfast tacos at HomeState in LA.

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0 Comment on Incredible People Who Broke Stereotypes In 2017
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Incredible People Who Broke Stereotypes In 2017

From Gal Gadot in ‘Wonder Woman’ to the oldest yoga teacher in the world, these people rocked 2017 by defying odds and challenging the status quo.

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0 Comment on The Rules of Roller Derby – EXPLAINED!
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The Rules of Roller Derby – EXPLAINED!

Ninh explains – The Rules of Roller Derby (Flat Track). A popular American sport that is now played worldwide on skates.

Specific to the Womens Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) rules – watch this short beginner’s tutorial video guide on how Roller Derby is played, Roller Derby rules, and how to play Roller Derby.
Learn about jammers, jams, pivots, penalty, power jam, points, contact, out of bounds, hits, highlights, and more.

Also discuss on Reddit!

Video: Copyright WFTDA, Red Bull, ESPN (I do not own video footage and claim fair use).
Images: Google (Various), London Roller Girls.
Music: ‘Union Station (London Stage)’ by Capcom
Narrated, Directed and Produced by Ninh Ly

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0 Comment on 11 Products That Will Make Mornings So Much Easier
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11 Products That Will Make Mornings So Much Easier

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