Author: japanwrestling_al675n
Table Has Swings Instead Of Chairs
Duffy London’s Swing Table replaces traditional chairs with swings. The design combines function with art and fun! One table can seat up to 12 people.
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Produced by: Meranda Yslas, Maggie Cai
Artist Makes Paintings With Kisses
Alexis Fraser AKA Lipstick Lex is a kiss artist. She started creating her artwork in 2011 after being commissioned to paint Marilyn Monroe in a nontraditional manner. She is one of only a handful of kiss artists in the entire world, and is proud of her artwork’s mission to spread love.
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Produced by: Jake Gabbard, Nicole Reyes
Easily Take Shots With A Mini Shotski
The Wingman Shot Glass is a min shotski that’s perfect for you and your best friend. Even though it’s made for two people, it easily pulls apart for cleaning.
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Produced by: Celia Skvaril, Shirley Chen
Why Soda Tastes Different In A Can Or Bottle
People often have strong opinions about how they drink their soda. Some people prefer it in a can, others prefer a glass or plastic bottle. While soda companies claim that the recipe doesn’t change, there are a few factors that might affect the way you taste a soda depending on the container.
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Produced by: Chris Snyder
Mount Mihara – Oshima Tokyo Island – 三原山 – 4K Ultra HD
Did you know that Tokyo is one of a few megacities in the world that has its very own active volcano and Japan’s only desert? And that the last time this volcano erupted was just recently in 1990? Now did you know that Tokyo also features not one but a total of 11 islands that stretch up to 1000km away from Tokyo’s center? Today we would like to share with you some amazing facts with videos of Mount Mihara, Tokyo’s very own volcano and it’s surrounding desert! Indeed according to Japanese scientists, the surrounding area of Mount Mihara, named Ura-Sabaku is technically Japan’s only desert and it happens to be located in… Tokyo prefecture!
Mount Mihara is located on the island of Izu Oshima, the official, yet the very confusing name of Oshima island. Confusing since Izu peninsula is just at a spitting distance from Oshima island. Izu peninsula is in fact not located in Tokyo prefecture but rather in Shizuoka prefecture. Mount Mihara is an active volcano that erupts every 100 years or so with the last major eruption in 1986 followed by a smaller one in 1990. Mount Mihara is also famous for being the official place of birth of Godzilla, as well as being used in the novel Ring where the mother of Sadako, predicted that Mount Mihara would someday erupt using her psychic abilities!
Finally, tragically Mount Mihara saw a wave of 944 suicides from 1933 up to 1936. A student named Kiyoko Matsumoto was forbidden to see her lover, Masako Tomita. She decided to end her life by jumping into the crater of Mount Mihara. This motivated others to choose Mount Mihara as their location of choice to end their lives as well.
Quite a lot to digest right? Well yes indeed, but Mount Mihara, its desert and the island of Oshima, located just 2hrs away from Shinagawa by boat are a fantastic set of places if you want to enjoy nature, and calm after a crazy week roaming Tokyo’s ultra-crowded streets.
Saviez-vous que Tokyo est une des rares mégalopoles qui possède son propre volcan actif et le seul désert du Japon ? Saviez-vous d’ailleurs que sa dernière éruption date de 1990 ? Enfin, saviez-vous que Tokyo possède 11 îles qui s’étalent jusqu’à 1000km du centre ville ? Aujourd’hui, nous allons nous focaliser sur quelques-uns de ces faits impressionnants en nous rendant au mont Mihara, Volcan unique de Tokyo entouré de son désert ! En effet, d’après les scientifiques, cette zone en question nommée Ura-Sabaku est le seul désert du Japon et il se trouve qu’elle fait partie de … la préfecture de Tokyo !
Situé sur l’île d’Izu Oshima, nom officiel de l’île d’Oshima mais qui porte à confusion car nous connaissons la péninsule d’Izu qui se trouve à deux pas d’ici mais dans la préfecture de Shizuoka, le mont Mihara est un volcan actif qui entre en éruption tous les 100 ans dont une majeure est survenue en 1986 suivie d’une plus petite en 1990. Le volcan est également réputé comme étant le lieu de naissance de Godzilla, et a été emprunté pour le célèbre roman Ring où la mère de Sadako avait prédit que le mont Mihara entrerait en éruption.
Et pour finir sur une note plus dramatique, le mont Mihara a été le lieu d’une importante vague de suicides de 1933 à 1936 (pour un total de 944 morts…) après qu’une étudiante nommée Kiyoko Matsumoto éprouvant un amour interdit avec une autre étudiante nommée Masako Tomita, eut décidé de s’élancer du haut du cratère, ce qui a inspiré les autres à choisir le volcan pour mettre un terme à leur vie.
Ca fait beaucoup à digérer, n’est-ce pas ? En effet, mais le mont Mihara, son désert, et l’île d’Oshima, sont situés à seulement 2 heures de bateau de Shinagawa et sont des endroits magnifiques à visiter si vous aimez la nature et le calme, ou pour simplement vous échapper de l’effervescence de Tokyo.
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Meet The Long Nail Goddesses
The Long Nail Goddesses are a group of women who bond over their extremely long nails. According to nail technician, Maria Ortiz, a Long Nail Goddess “was meant to shine, not blend in.” Each goddess has her own unique reason as to why she grew out her nails, but underlying each decision is a theme of empowerment. Despite their length, the women’s nails don’t hinder their day-to-day activities.
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Produced by: Nicole Reyes, Barbara Corbellini Duarte
What Makes These “Churros” Turkey’s Best Street Dessert
Halka Tatlisi are like crunchy churros and, debatably, Turkey’s best street dessert. Vedors fry dough in a spiral until it’s crispy. The “churros” are served in bite-sized portions for an easy, ready-to-go snack!
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Produced by: Meranda Yslas, Jennifer Osaki
Man Explores The Coolest Airbnbs Around The World
Ryan Doyle is the owner of Video Vision 360, who films his adventures hopping around Airbnbs and shares them on YouTube. He stays at Airbnbs through a barter system: by creating promotional videos for Airbnbs, he gets free accommodation. Travel in itself should be a mind-expanding experience, and Doyle finds that staying at Airbnbs to be a more culturally enriching experience than staying at a typical hotel.
Footage courtesy of Video Vision 360
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Produced by: Meranda Yslas and Abby Nasrishkin
Turn Any Surface Into A Reusable Whiteboard
Magnetic Boards lets you turn any surface into a reusable whiteboard by sticking with just static electricity. You can even rearrange the sheets without removing them from the wall.
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Produced by: Meranda Yslas, Maggie Cai
Shiroishi Castle – Miyagi – 白石城 – 4K Ultra HD
Located in the heart of Miyagi in the city of Shiroshi, the Shiroishi Castle, a flatland castle, was the home of the Katakura clan, a family in the Date clan. During the Boshin War, it was temporarily the headquarters of the Ōuetsu Reppan Dōmei. The castle was also known as Masuda Castle.
Built in 1591, it was later destroyed during the Meiji Restoration. Part of the castle tower was faithfully restored in 1995 using past specifications, design and even using the same kind of tree, such as Aomori white cedar which made Shiroishi Castle unique in the area.
Situé en plein coeur de Miyagi et dans la ville de Shiroishi, le château de Shiroishi, un château de plaines, était le château du clan Katakura, une famille du clan Date. Pendant la guerre de Boshin, il s’agissait également du quartier général temporaire des Ouetsu Reppan Domei. Le château était aussi connu sous le nom de château Masuda.
Construit en 1591, puis détruit lors de la Restauration Meiji, une partie de la tour du château a pu être restaurée en 1995 en utilisant les détails du passé comme le design, et en utilisant la même variété d’arbre telle que le cèdre blanc d’Aomori, qui a rendu le château de Shiroishi unique dans cette zone
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