Author: japanwrestling_al675n
Cut Shawarma On Your Own Spit For An Epic Pita Sandwich
Au Za’atar is a Lebanese/Middle Eastern restaurant in NYC that lets diners cut their own shawarma with a tableside machine. Each spit of meat is freshly layered and seasoned with Mediterranean spices. The base is loaded with pitas and fries. Diners can cut their own meat and build epic pita sandwiches to their liking.
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Produced by: Amelia Kosciulek, Aly Weisman
The Cherry Blossoms of Shakujii Kawa – Tokyo – 石神井川 – 4K Ultra HD
Tokyo counts many gorgeous cherry blossom/sakura spots that are worth your time and attention if you do not mind the bustling crowds. But, away from the masses and mostly kept secret by many photographers and sakura specialists, there is a 2km long sakura wonderland that will blow your mind with its beauty and its total lack of tourists. Behold Shakujii Kawa!
Thanks to its ultra-dense collection of sakura, its river and many bridges, Shakujii Kawa is by far, even taking into account the gorgeous blossoms along Naka-Meguro River, the most beautiful place to enjoy the sakura season in Japan! And to make things even more enjoyable, Shakujii Kawa is strangely ignored by both foreign and local tourists alike!
Tokyo compte beaucoup de magnifiques endroits où il est agréable de profiter des cerisiers en fleurs et qui ont le mérite que vous vous y attardiez si la foule ne vous fait pas peur. Mais, loin de l’effervescence et gardé secret par les photographes et les spécialistes des sakura, il y a un paradis de 2 km de long qui va véritablement vous bluffer par sa beauté et son manque de touristes. Bienvenue à Shakujii Kawa !
Grâce à sa très grande collection de sakura, son fleuve, et ses nombreux ponts, Sakujii Kawa est de loin, même en tenant compte des magnifiques cerisiers le long du fleuve de Naka-Meguro, le plus bel endroit pour profiter des cerisiers au Japon ! Et il est bien plus plaisant d’en profiter quand on se rend compte que Sakujii Kawa est ignoré des touristes japonais et étrangers !
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2 People Can Fit In An Elephant Balloon Costume
Carolynn Hayman builds custom balloon costumes for parades, weddings, and special events. Her most recent creation is Taffy the Elephant—a large pink creature that holds two people. She builds Taffy from the bottom up, leaving plenty of space inside for the two people that have to maneuver the elephant. Carolynn also teaches classes for balloon-making professionals all over the world.
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Produced by: Meghan McDonough, Medha Imam
Nakameguro Cherry Blossom by Night – Tokyo – 中目黒のさくら – 4K Ultra HD
The Nakameguro (Naka-Meguro) river and its many Sakura no longer require an introduction. In the past we’ve covered this area both by day and night. But, this year again we could not resist taking another video and sharing it with you an amazing pink night view of Nakameguro river and its Sakura!
Le rivière de Nakameguro (Naka-Meguro), et plus particulièrement ses sakuras, n’ont plus besoin d’être présentés tellement nous sommes venus et revenus ici de jour comme de nuit par le passé. Or cette année encore, nous n’avons pas pu résister à l’appel de ce lieu magique en cette période de l’année où la nuit prend une teinte rosée !
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Drawing Machine Makes Selfies
Aaron Kramer invented a machine that cranks out selfies. He has been turning trash into art for over 20 years, using his welding, woodworking, and painting skills. His most recent invention uses a series of specially-carved cogs to control a pen over paper, resulting in a selfie that shows the man behind the machine.
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Produced by: Meghan McDonough
College Student Customizes Glitter Cleats
Andrew McEwen is a 20-year-old who customizes soccer cleats in his dorm room. A glitter pillow inspired the Capital University soccer player to start his design company McEw. After McEwen sketches out the designs of his cleats, he applies glue and a fabric of his choice or sometimes just uses a pen.
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Produced by: Clayton Dyer, Aly Weisman
Sponsor content produced by Insider Studios for Lenovo
Yanaka Cemetery Cherry blossoms – Tokyo – 谷中霊園 – 4K Ultra HD
Yanaka and its cemetery are one of the first places we covered when we started this project. Now, three years later we would like to revisit this unique cemetery during the cherry blossoms! Enjoy!
If you are looking for something different to visit in Tokyo, I would highly recommend Yanaka, with, unfortunately, the exception of Yanaka Ginza. Yanaka is one of the places in Tokyo that has been frozen in time and that could, at least for us foreigners, be a bit weird. Indeed Yanaka is mainly famous for its vast cemetery where people not only come to pay respects to their ancestors and loved ones but also to stroll or to enjoy a bit of fun with its several kids playgrounds! Yep you read that correctly, Yanaka cemetery hosts playgrounds for kids.
Yanaka et son cimetière sont un des premiers endroits que nous avons couvert au lancement du projet. Aujourd’hui, 3 ans plus tard, nous rendons visite à ce cimetière unique pendant la floraison des cerisiers !
Si vous désirez voir quelque chose de différent à Tokyo, je vous recommande de faire un petit tour à Yanaka, à la malheureuse exception de Yanaka Ginza. Yanaka est un de ces endroits à Tokyo qui est resté figé dans le temps, et qui peut sembler bizarre pour nous, étrangers. En effet, Yanaka est principalement réputé pour son cimetière où les gens ne se rendent pas seulement pour prier leurs défunts, mais pour s’amuser en famille dans les aires de jeux pour enfants ! Oui, vous lisez bien, le cimetière de Yanaka compte quelques aires de jeux.
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Dwarf Hamsters Live In A Tiny Mansion
April Campbell builds her dwarf hamsters tiny mansions and playgrounds. She crafts her designs from scratch, using soft wood and nontoxic food coloring to keep her furry friends safe and happy. Her hamsters, Taco Taco and Soda Pop, love every room in their tiny home.
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Produced by: Janaya Wecker, Barbara Corbellini Duarte
Drink Drake’s Whiskey Milkshake And Other Candy Cocktails
Sugar Factory Fashion Show in Las Vegas has an entire menu dedicated to spiked chocolate drinks, like martinis and milkshakes. To make the Drake Campfire Spiked S’mores Milkshake, bartenders coat a giant mug with chocolate and graham crackers. Then, they pour scoops of ice cream and Drake’s Virginia Black Whiskey for a sweet, spiked surprised.
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Produced by: Jennifer Lee, Sydney Kramer, Caroline Aghajanian
[360 5K] The Cherry blossoms of Shakujii Kawa – Tokyo – 石神井川
Note: To enjoy this video fully in full-screen mode, make sure to zoom out by using the scroll down button on your mouse.
📷 Video Shot 100% on the GARMIN® Virb 360 cameras:
We have to admit it, have an obsession with Shakujii Kawa during the cherry blossom period and we decided again this year to shoot not only another video there but also, this uniquely immersive video was made to be enjoyed on your PC, smartphone or VR Set! Enjoy!
Tokyo counts many gorgeous cherry blossom/sakura spots that are all worth your time and attention if you do not mind the bustling crowds. Away from the masses are quiet locations known by photographers and sakura specialists. There is a 2km long sakura wonderland that will blow your mind with its beauty and its total lack of tourists. Behold Shakujii Kawa!
Thanks to its ultra-dense collection of sakura, its river, and many bridges, Shakujii Kawa is by far, taking into account the gorgeous blossoms along Naka-Meguro River, the most beautiful place to enjoy the sakura season in Japan! And to make things even more enjoyable, Shakujii Kawa is strangely ignored by both foreign and local tourists alike!
Note : Afin de profiter pleinement de cette vidéo en mode plein écran, pensez à dézoomer en scrollant vers le bas avec votre souris.
Il faut l’admettre, nous avons une obsession pour Sakujii Kawa pendant la floraison des cerisiers. Cette année ne faisant pas exception, nous rentrons aujourd’hui non pas seulement avec une vidéo de cet endroit, mais également avec une vidéo immersive dont vous pourrez profiter sur tous vos écrans, voire même avec votre équipement VR !
Tokyo compte de nombreux endroits dignes de profiter des plus beaux cerisiers si la foule ne vous fait pas peur. Mais loin de cette folie, tel un secret bien gardé par les photographes et les amoureux des sakura, il existe un véritable paradis du cerisier de 2 km de long où vous serez littéralement époustouflés par la beauté des lieux et le manque de touristes. Bienvenue à Sakujii Kawa !
Grâce à sa très dense collection de sakura, son fleuve, et tous ses ponts, Sakujii Kawa est de loin, même en tenant compte des cerisiers du fleuve Naka-Meguro, le plus bel endroit pour profiter de l’éclosion des cerisiers au Japon ! Et pour couronner le tout, ce lieu est aussi bien ignoré des touristes étrangers que japonais !
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