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What It Takes To Become A Backup Dancer For Beyoncé, According To Her Choreographer
JaQuel Knight has been doing choreography for Beyoncé for years. Knight landed his breakthrough gig at 18 years old for Beyoncé’s iconic video “Single Ladies”. His most recent collaboration with her at Coachella left people speechless. We spoke with Knight about how he got into dancing and what it takes to be her backup dancer.
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Following is the transcript of the video:
Narrator: JaQuel Knight is the creative mind behind many of Beyoncé’s iconic performances. He’s worked with her for years and he’s been dancing his entire life.
Knight: I remember dancing in my grandmother’s living room. And then when I was 16, I started my own dance group with my best friend in Atlanta. So that was kinda the first serious step towards choreography and creative direction.
Narrator: At just 18, JaQuel landed a gig choreographing one of the best videos of all time, “Single Ladies.” Years later, JaQuel reveals what it takes to be a backup dancer for Beyonce.
Knight: To work for B as a dancer, it takes everything, you know. She’s a southern girl, you know, who’s worked very hard to get where she is. So she want people to do the same. She wanna know that you want it really bad. She wanna see your heart, your passion, your drive. And then, you know, you gotta be able to jam. How greasy can you get? How can you hit it hard? Then there’s also the side of her that’s looking for the technical element. You know, are you trained? Do you have any ballet training? Do you have any jazz training? How are your lines? You know, so there’s a few things that go into the process.
And once we start to audition things, you know, we look for everything. We teach them hip-hop number, we teach them a super difficult technical number, we teach them the classic Beyoncé number, you know. And then besides that, you know, you gotta be able to carry the stage, you know, with her. You gotta be able to stand next to her and be just as good, you know. And sometimes people are ready, sometimes they’re not. You can be a great dancer, but it may not come through when you get on stage. You may kind of pull into a shell, don’t know who to look at. So she’s looking for stars. Star dancers, who have magic. That can bring it, you know, and pull other people in, always.
Working with B during the rehearsal process is like, it’s kind of a out of body experience, ya know. People don’t understand the amount of effort her work ethic is out of this world. And it’s never just one thing. When we’re creating choreography, it’s okay, boom. Where’s the wardrobe at? You know, bring them in so they can see what the choreography is. Okay boom. Where are we on this stage? You know, let’s make sure lighting knows how to light this, boom. Where are the cameras? Okay, let’s look at this camera and then do this.
You know, we’re always thinking of every single piece of the puzzle. But you know, at the end of the day, we send her pictures, we send her videos. She’s watching people in rehearsal like who’s that? Okay, that’s so and so that we talked about. She’s like okay, she’s good. You know, she’s looking at everything at every moment, you know. So she’s like heavily involved.
Maki Odo – Oita – 真木大堂 – 4K Ultra HD
Located in Kinsusaki peninsula, Maki Odo used to be the largest Makisan-Denjoji temple of the Tendai sect in the area. It’s said that it was a lecture place where Buddhist priests practiced asceticism and do training in. On the temple grounds, you will find the Ex-Hondo or main hall, built during the Edo period, as well as the Shuzo-Ko or Treasure Repository built in 1966.
In the Shuzo-ko, you will find some of the most amazing Buddha statues in the whole region. The Fudo statue is surrounded by two servants (Nidoji), as well as the Daiitoku Myoo seating on a white buffalo and finally, the centerpiece, the Amida Nyorai surrounded by four Devas or Shitenno.
This video was made in Cooperation with Tourism Oita. Learn more about Oita Prefecture at
Situé sur la péninsule de Kinsusaki, Maki Odo a été le plus grand temple Makisan-Denjoji de la secte Tendai des environs. Il est dit que c’était un lieu de conférence où les prêtres bouddhistes pratiquaient l’ascaticisme et s’y entrainaient. Dans l’espace du temple, vous trouverez l’Ex-Hondo, ou hall principal, construit durant l’ère Edo, ainsi que Shuzo-Ho ou le dépôt des trésors, construit en 1966.
Dans le Shuzo-ko, vous trouverez quelques-unes des plus impressionnantes statues de Bouddha de toute la région. La statue Fudo est accompagnée de deux servants (Nidoji), ainsi que de Daiitoku Myoo assis sur un buffle blanc, et enfin, la pièce maîtresse, l’Amida Nyorai et ses quatre Devas ou Shitenno.
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How Tabasco Sauce Is Made
Tabasco’s factory on Avery Island, Louisiana has been making the same hot sauce recipe since 1868. The pepper seeds for the sauce are made on Avery Island, then they’re shipped to farms in Latin America to ripen into chilis. The farmed seeds are then shipped back to LI to sit in barrels for three years back on Avery Island. The chili-salt solution undergoes multiple processes before it’s bottled up to sell. Each year, $200 million of Tabasco sauce is sold. Here’s how it’s made.
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How Blue Man Group Makes Their Instruments
When it comes to Blue Man Group’s instruments, almost everything is made by hand. PVC pipes and other industrial materials are par for the course. We got to peek inside the studio to see some of the latest creations from the Blue Man team.
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Following is the transcript of the video:
Andrew Schneider: These PVC tube instruments, that is a three dollar piece of plastic you can buy at Lowe’s and that is part of what’s exciting about how would someone, a musical being, look at this for the first time, what would they want to do with it?
Ben Flint: The instruments come about, I think every one is a little bit different. Anybody can bring an idea to the table. Our tone mill was one of our Blue Men that drew a sketch.
Schneider: The concept of this is that you have different tubes and then the length of the tube is creating the pitch, the note. By having two, you can have a chord. Potentially, you can use a stick or you can use another tube that has its own note to create a chord.
This is another piece, another instrument that we’re working on for a piece that’s being developed about feedback. There’s a speaker on one end, there’s a microphone on the other end and you, when you put a microphone at a speaker, it causes feedback. And, with the pipe, we can tune it to be different notes. Where the struggle is, is that every day we walk in, the notes are totally different. We’re now being inspired by the challenge to try and find a way to make this actually workable and tunable every night.
So we’re trying to find an instrument that could drone in a similar way as didgeridoo but, obviously, have different playing aspects and something that was, again, theatrically something that was visual and had a lot of action to it. It’s kind of inspired by a hurdy-gurdy style instrument. You’re bowing this and then changing the note with this lever.
Flint: Similar concept, we’ve got two higher strings here, just music wire, something you have on a piano. And, this wheel that you spin, and then very sophisticated, we have zip ties cut to a little over a half an inch. And, when you rotate this, you are plucking the strings and then we have this slider which is fretting and we’ve come up with our own musical language here, the Blue Men speak in colors and shapes when reading music.
Schneider: So we basically took a vibraphone and split it apart onto a separate sort of playable platform that can be a lot more visual as an instrument. So these are actual vibraphone keys and then there’s pickups underneath each one so that we can now run it through whatever fun pedals we want to do – we want to run it through, so.
9 Calligraphers Who Take Lettering To The Next Level
From DIY wedding decorations to embossing, these nine calligraphers are elevating the lettering game.
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How Hollywood Makes Actors Look Old — Exclusive ‘Uncle Drew’ Behind The Scenes | Movies Insider
Hollywood special effects and makeup have always been impressive, but when it comes to making actors look old, it’s an entirely different system. Co-owners of Blue Whale Studios, Jonah Levy and Matthew Silva, reveal the process of making basketball superstars like Shaq look old for the film “Big Drew.” Three thousand prosthetics, hours in the makeup chair, and constant retouches were just some of the elements that made the actors’ ages so convincing in the movie.
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How Hollywood Makes Actors Look Old — Exclusive ‘Uncle Drew’ Behind The Scenes | Movies Insider
Why You Should Workout On A Squishy Air Pillow
The Waff workout tool is an air-filled device that tests your stability and balance. The pillow-like tool comes in three different sizes. The Waff Mini and Medium make standard exercises more dynamic, while the Waff Max is perfect for relaxation and decompression.
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Kumano Magaibutsu Stone Buddha – Oita – 熊野磨崖仏 – 4K Ultra HD
Located in Kinusaki peninsula, Kumano Magaibutsu is the largest Buddha image carved into a rock face in Japan. It is said that this statue was carved in a single night by goblins living nearby during the late Heian period. Two statues were built with a 8M tall Fudo Myoo on the left side of the mountain and a 7m tall statue of Dainichi Nyorai on the right side.
This video was made in Cooperation with Tourism Oita. Learn more about Oita Prefecture at
Situé sur la péninsule de Kinusaki, Kumano Magaibutsu est la plus grande représentation de Bouddha gravée dans la roche au Japon. Il est dit que la gravure a été réalisée en une seule nuit par des gobelins des environs durant la fin de l’ère Heian. Deux statues de 8m de Fudo Myoo reposent sur la gauche de la montagne, et une statue de 7m représentant Dainichi Nyorai se tient sur la droite.
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How The Creepy Models Were Made In ‘Hereditary’ | Movies Insider
One of the scariest and most disturbing movies of the year centers around an artist, played by Toni Collette, who makes miniature models while dark things start happening all around her. While there’s plenty of stuff in “Hereditary” which will make you uncomfortable, these models play a big role in the creep factor. We spoke with Steve Newburn, the owner of Applied Arts FX Studio in Canada, to find out what was involved in making these tiny, detailed works of art.
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How The Creepy Models Were Made In ‘Hereditary’ | Movies Insider
Tennen-Ji Temple – Oita – 天念寺 – 4K Ultra HD
Oita prefecture is unique in many ways. It offers some of Japan’s most beautiful landscapes, with Kunisaki peninsula being our favorite! But Oita is also famous for its approach to religion with the Rokugo Manzan that contains elements of Buddhism, Shinto and mountain worship. It’s where both Buddhist and Shinto temples live in harmony connected to each other, and Tennen-ji is the perfect example of the Rokugo Manzan.
At Tennen-Ji you will find the pure tradition of Rokugo Manza. Kawanaka Fudo is a massive 3m tall rock with a carved face of Fudo Myoo located by the river and a Shinto shrine connected to a Buddhist temple, all located on the opposite side of the river.
This video was made in Cooperation with Tourism Oita. Learn more about Oita Prefecture at
La préfecture d’Oita est unique dans plusieurs domaines. Elle offre des paysages parmis les plus beaux du Japon, dont la péninsule Kunisaki qui est ici notre lieu préféré! Mais Oita est aussi réputée pour ses affinités religieuses avec le Rokugo Manzan qui contient des éléments du bouddhisme, du shintoïsme, et une montagne culte. C’est ici que les temples bouddhistes et shinto vivent en harmonie, reliés entre eux, et le temple de Tennen-ji est un parfait exemple de Rokugo Manzan.
A Tennen-Ji, vous découvrirez la pure tradition de Rokugo Manza. Kawanaka Fudo est un énorme rocher de 3m de haut avec le visage gravé de Fudo Myoo situé près de la rivière, et un sanctuaire shinto relié à un temple bouddhiste, tous deux situés de l’autre côté de la rivière.
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