⚾ Why Baseball Sucks in United Kingdom – Ninh explains …

So why is Baseball in the United Kingdom so bad? Is it just the fact that Team Great Britain are doing poorly at an international level, or is it down to the rival BBF and BBL (British Baseball Federation and British Baseball League)? Does anyone actually play the sport over here, is it lack of participation or is there something that the media doesn’t want to explain to you? Ninh explains why Baseball in the United Kingdom sucks.
Also, my similar video critiquing UK Ice Hockey and UK Basketball can be found here …

Ice Hockey – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BUsCQo93Lk
Basketball – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m7wkEJZF_I

Also discuss on Reddit!

Video: Copyright Ninh Ly 2020, MLB, Team GB, BBL, BBF
Images: Various
Music: ‘Take me out to the ballgame’ by Helen Dell
Narrated, Directed and Produced by Ninh Ly

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#baseball #mlb #sucks #british #bbf #bbl #ninhlyuk

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